Preprocess data for contour plots

CONTOUR is a FORTRAN90 program which preprocesses simple grid data into a form that the DISPLAY3 program can handle.

The idea is that there is a set of nodes arranged in a rectangular grid. There is a file containing the coordinates of the nodes, and the values of certain quantities at each node. Specifically, for each node, there is a line of the form:

        X  Y  V1  V2 ... VN
where the number of values "V" is the same for each node.

CONTOUR reads this data, tries to determine the 2D shape NX by NY of the grid essentially by factoring the number of points, arranges the data into elements, and writes out an element file and a node file suitable for input to DISPLAY.


The name of the input file is usually specified on the command line:

        contour input_file
The output files are always named element.txt and node.txt.


The computer code and data files described and made available on this web page are distributed under the GNU LGPL license.

Related Data and Programs:

CONTOUR_SEQUENCE is a MATLAB program which creates images suitable for animation from a sequence of (X,Y,U(X,Y)) data files;

CONTOUR_SEQUENCE3 is a MATLAB program which creates images suitable for animation from one pair of X, Y files, and a sequence of U(X,Y) data files;

CONTOUR_SEQUENCE4 is a MATLAB program which makes contour plots of a sequence of files defining the values of a scalar function Z(X,Y) sampled on a grid.

DISPLAY3, a FORTRAN90 program which displays graphics from the flow data computed by FLOW3. This program used to work, but it is very out of date;

NAST2D_CONTOUR, a MATLAB program which reads a data file from NAST2D_F90 and creates a contour plot;

TRIANGULATION_ORDER3_CONTOUR is a MATLAB program which makes contour plot of data defined on an order 3 triangulation.

TRIANGULATION_ORDER6_CONTOUR is a MATLAB program which makes contour plots of data defined on an order 6 triangulation.

Source Code:

Examples and Tests:

List of Routines:

You can go up one level to the FORTRAN90 source codes.

Last revised on 30 August 2005.