Flow in an H-Shaped Region
a FORTRAN90 program which
solves for flow in an H-shaped region.
More specifically, AITCH is intended to model the
geometry needed for a time-dependent flow of an incompressible fluid in a 2D
region, under the Navier Stokes equations.
This program is simply an initial sketch of how to divide up the
the region in a way that makes it possible to generate a consistent
account of the nodes and elements needed to implement a finite element
representation of the solution.
The computer code and data files described and made available on this web page
are distributed under
the GNU LGPL license.
AITCH is available in
a FORTRAN90 version.
Related Data and Programs
is a FORTRAN90 program which
solving the 2D steady incompressible Navier Stokes equations
using the finite element method.
is a FORTRAN77 program which
computes the pressure and velocity for a Navier Stokes flow in a
square region with an inlet and an outlet.
is a FORTRAN77 program which
solves the Navier Stokes fluid flow equations in a "T"-shaped region.
Source Code:
List of Routines:
AITCH tests the AITCH geometry routines.
AITCH_DOF_NUM determines the number of degrees of freedom in the region.
AITCH_ELEMENT_NODE determines the nodes that make up each element.
AITCH_ELEMENT_NUM determines the number of elements in the region.
AITCH_NODE_DOF_SET assigns degrees of freedom to each node.
AITCH_NODE_NUM determines the number of nodes in the region.
AITCH_NODE_XY assigns coordinates to each node.
ELEMENT6_EPS creates an EPS file containing an image of the mesh.
ELEMENT_NODE_BANDWIDTH determines the bandwidth associated with the grid.
ELEMENT_NODE_PRINT prints the elements.
GET_UNIT returns a free FORTRAN unit number.
NODE_DOF_INDEX_PRINT prints the nodal degrees of freedom.
NODE_EPS creates an EPS file containing an image of the nodes.
NODE_XY_PRINT prints the node coordinates.
TIMESTAMP prints the current YMDHMS date as a time stamp.
TIMESTRING writes the current YMDHMS date into a string.
Last revised on 05 January 2019.