FORTRAN66 Verifier

PFORT is a FORTRAN66 program which reads a user program and produces a report on violations of the FORTRAN66 standard.

Don't be surprised if every line of your program is in violation! FORTRAN66


pfort < file.f

the user file to be checked.

Related Data and Programs:

CLEAN77 is a FORTRAN77 program which can reformat a FORTRAN77 file, using some standard indenting and numbering conventions.


  1. Barbara Ryder,
    The PFORT verifier,
    in Software: Practice and Experience,
    Volume 4, Number 4, 1974, pages 359-377.
  2. Barbara Ryder, Andrew Hall,
    The PFORT verifier,
    Bell Laboratories Computer Science Technical Report,
    Number 12, 1975.

Source Code:

Examples and Tests:

You can go up one level to the FORTRAN77 source codes.

Last revised on 21 July 2008.