The NCAR Graphics Library

NCARG is a directory of FORTRAN77 programs which illustrate the use of the NCAR Graphics Library which contains an extensive set of graphics routines for the presentation of scientific data.

Setup for C shell or T shell:
setenv NCARG_ROOT /usr/local/ncarg set path = ( $path /usr/local/ncarg/bin )
To see a list of All the available examples:
ncargex -A -list
To see a list of ezmap examples:
ncargex -ezmap -list
To copy and run a specific example, say mpex01:
ncargex mpex01

The output of an NCARG graphics program is to an abstract "device". The actual properties of this device are specified by the user in the statement:

call gopwk ( iwkid, lunit, iwtype )
For our purposes here, the interesting quantity is iwtype, whose value determines the exact form of the output. In particular, Note that EPS and EPSI files are only appropriate for single images. If you try to write several images to a device that you defined as an EPS or EPSI file, you will get an "interesting" error message.


Web site:
PDF Documentation:

Examples and Tests:

FSTREAM is a test of the NCARG routine STREAM, which can plot streamlines of a vector quantity. Test files you may copy include:

TISOSR is a test of the NCARG routines EZISOS and ISOSRF. Two images are created. Test files you may copy include:

You can go up one level to the FORTRAN77 source codes.

Last revised on 25 September 2005.