Accurate Solution of Vandermonde Systems

VANDERMONDE is a C library which implements the Bjork-Pereyra algorithm for accurate solution of linear systems involving the Vandermonde matrix.

A univariate NxN Vandermonde matrix is defined by a parameter vector ALPHA of N distinct real values, and has the form:

        1             1            ... 1
        alpha1        alpha2       ... alphan
        alpha1^2      alpha2^2     ... alphan^2
        ...           ...          ... ...
        alpha1^(n-1)  alpha2^(n-1) ... alphan^(n-1)

If p(x) is a polynomial of degree N-1, which is required to interpolate a function f(x) at N distinct points ALPHA, then the coefficients C of the polynomial can be found from the interpolation equations, which can be written as a linear system involving a transposed Vandermonde matrix:

        1    alpha1  alpha1^2  ... alpha1^(n-1)    c0           f(alpha1)
        1    alpha2  alpha2^2  ... alpha2^(n-1)    c1           f(alpha2)
        ...  ...     ...       ... ...             ...       =  ...
        1    alphan  alphan^2  ... alphan^(n-1)    c(n-1)       f(alphan)


The computer code and data files made available on this web page are distributed under the GNU LGPL license.


VANDERMONDE is available in a C version and a C++ version and a FORTRAN90 version and a MATLAB version.

Related Data and Programs:

LINPLUS, a C library which carries out operations such as matrix-vector products, matrix factorization, direct and iterative linear solvers for matrices in a variety of formats, including banded, border-banded, circulant, lower triangular, pentadiagonal, sparse, symmetric, toeplitz, tridiagonal, upper triangular and vandermonde formats.

QUADRATURE_WEIGHTS_VANDERMONDE, a C library which computes the weights of a quadrature rule using the Vandermonde matrix, assuming that the points have been specified.

TEST_MAT, a C library which defines test matrices for which some of the determinant, eigenvalues, inverse, null vectors, P*L*U factorization or linear system solution are already known, including the Vandermonde matrix.

VANDERMONDE_APPROX_1D, a C library which finds a polynomial approximant to data of a 1D argument by setting up and solving an overdetermined linear system for the polynomial coefficients, involving the Vandermonde matrix.

VANDERMONDE_APPROX_2D, a C library which finds a polynomial approximant p(x,y) to data z(x,y) of a 2D argument by setting up and solving an overdetermined linear system for the polynomial coefficients involving the Vandermonde matrix.

VANDERMONDE_INTERP_1D, a C library which finds a polynomial interpolant to a function of 1D data by setting up and solving a linear system for the polynomial coefficients, involving the Vandermonde matrix.

VANDERMONDE_INTERP_2D, a C library which finds a polynomial interpolant to data z(x,y) of a 2D argument by setting up and solving a linear system for the polynomial coefficients, involving the Vandermonde matrix.


  1. Ake Bjorck, Victor Pereyra,
    Solution of Vandermonde Systems of Equations,
    Mathematics of Computation,
    Volume 24, Number 112, October 1970, pages 893-903.
  2. Gustavo Galimberti, Victor Pereyra,
    Numerical Differentiation and the Solution of Multidimensional Vandermonde Systems,
    Mathematics of Computation,
    Volume 24, Number 110, April 1970, pages 357-364.
  3. Nicholas Higham,
    Stability analysis of algorithms for solving confluent Vandermonde-like systems,
    SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications,
    Volume 11, 1990, pages 23-41.

Source Code:

Examples and Tests:

List of Routines:

You can go up one level to the C source codes.

Last revised on 18 April 2014.