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University of South Carolina

2015 - Present

Ph.D Candidate in Mathematic

Advisor: Dr. Matthew Ballard

Thesis: Compactifications in Derived Equivalences and GIT Quotients (In Progress)

College of Charleston


M.S. Mathematics

Advisor: Dr. Oleg Smirnov

Thesis: Bounded Operators with Finite $\mathbb{Z}$-grading


B.S. Pure Mathematics

Graduated Cum Laude


Outstanding Graduate Student Teacher Award

(Graduate School UofSC)


Graduate Student Teacher Award

(Math Department UofSC)


Peer Excellence Award

(Math Department UofSC)


Outstanding First Year Graduate Student

(Math Department UofSC)


The Ewa Wojicicka Award

(Math Department CofC)



Principal Investigator


(The Office Vice President for Research)

Kernels for Homological Duality

Summer 2019

GTA Teaching Resource Grant

(Center of Teaching Excellence UofSC)

Developed data collection tool for Active learning classrooms named: S.T.A.R.

Summer 2018

Partial Funding

GTA Mentor Program

(NSF award ID #1725295 )


Research Assistant

(NSF DMS-1501813 )

Summer 2018


Kernels for Grassmannian Flops

Fall 2018

UofSC Algebraic Geoemtry Seminar

Abstract: We will discuss the current work in producing an explicit kernel that induces the derived equivalence which arises from the Grassmannian flop. Specifically we will see that the essential image of the functor associated to this kernel aligns with a(n) (exceptional) collection first studied by Kappronav. Further we will explore some interesting geometric properties which the kernel of this functor enjoys and their curious ties to Geometric Invariant Theory. Future directions for a more general technique in producing these interesting kernels, will also be discussed. The pre-talk will discuss the previous work of Ballard et. al. in a similar kernel and it's geometric connections to the homology of projective spaces.

Link to Notes

The Geoemetry of Mind Reading

Fall 2018

Pi Mu Epsilon Student Seminar

Abstract: The inner workings of the brain have intrigued generations of scientist and the general public alike. In recent years geometric methods have been successfully applied to describe how the brain reacts when introduced to outside stimuli. In fact, this application has seen so much success that the Nobel prize has been awarded for this work. In this talk we will see how, when given simple combinatorial data from the brain, these methods can be used to (partially) reconstruct the stimuli space. In other words, we will see how the use of geometry can read minds. In the remainder of the talk, we will discuss the most recent attempts to mathematically model this data using techniques from Algebraic Geometry.

Link to Flyer

Link to Slides


(Event Coordinator) 19th Annual High School Math Contest


organized and wrote math-themed game

(Volunteer) AB/BA AP-Calculus Practice Exam


Proctored Exam

(Event Coordinator) 18th Annual High School Math Contest


organized and wrote math-themed scavenger hunt

(Event Coordinator) College of Charleston Math Meet


organized and wrote math-themed scavenger hunt

(Volunteer) Lowcountry Regional Science and Engineering Fair


judge for the science fair projects

(Volunteer) Lady Cougars STEM Education Day


Designed and implimented an interactive STEM workshop for elementary and middle school students

Teaching Experience

University of South Carolina

2016 - Present

(Fall 2018) Lecturer, Pre-Calculus

(Spring 2018, Fall 2017, Summer 2016) Lecturer, Business Calculus

(Summer 2017) Lecturer, Vector Calculus

(Fall 2016) Lecturer, College Algebra

(Spring 2016, Spring 2017) Lecturer, Finite Mathematics

College of Charleston

2011 - 2016

(Fall, Spring 2015) Lecturer, Elementary Statistics

(Fall 2015) Lecturer, Pre-Calculus

(Fall 2013, Spring 2014) Lecturer, College Algebra

(Spring 2013) T.A., Advanced Calculus

(Spring, Fall 2011, Spring 2012) T.A., Introduction to Abstract Mathematics


Kernels for Grassmannian Flops



Abstract: We develop a generalization of the $Q$-construction of the first author, Diemer, and the third author for Grassmann flops over an arbitrary field of characteristic zero. This generalization provides a canonical idempotent kernel on the derived category of the associated global quotient stack. This idempotent kernel, after restriction, induces a derived equivalence over any twisted form of a Grassmann flop. Furthermore its image, after restriction to the geometric invariant theory semistable locus, ``opens'' a canonical ``window'' in the derived category of the quotient stack. We check this window coincides with the set of representations used by Kapranov to form a full exceptional collection on Grassmannians. Even in the well-studied special case of standard Atiyah flops, the arguments yield a new proof of the derived equivalence.


Universal Embedding of Hom-Lie Triple Systems


Abstract: In this article we will build a universal imbedding of a regular Hom- Lie triple system into a Lie algebra and show that the category of regular Hom-Lie triple systems is equivalent to a full subcategory of pairs of $\mathbb{Z}_2$- graded Lie algebras and Lie algebra automorphism, then finally give some characterizations of this subcategory.


Bounded Operators on a Hilbert Space with finite $\mathbb{Z}$-grading


Advisor: Dr. Oleg Smirnov

Abstract: We Show that every finite $\mathbb{Z}$-grading on the algebra of compact operators is induced by a decomposition of the underlying Complex Hilbert space. We do this by first showing that every $\mathbb{Z}$-grading of the compoact operators defines a Peirce decomposition of a certain ideal. Then show this decomposition induces the $\mathbb{Z}$-grading on the compact operators. While finally as a Corollary we will show that every finite $\mathbb{Z}$-grading on the bounded operators is also induced by a decomposition of the underlying Hilbert Space

(Master Thesis)