Xinfeng Liu
Phone: 576-5849
Office Location: LC 422
Office Hours: MW 10:30AM-12:00PM or by appointment
Reference Books: 1: An Introduction to Systems Biology:
Design Principles of Biological Circuits, By Uri Alon.
2: An introduction to Stochastic Modeling, By Samuel Karlin
and Howard Taylor, 4th Edition.
Learning Outcome:
This course will expose the students with start-of-the-art
mathematical modeling and computational tools to study complex
systems that arise from a great variety of biological and
engineering applications.At the end of this course the
students will have a comprehensive understanding of
fundamental mathematical concepts and numerical
techniques for solving complex systems.
The students are also expected to master the
skills to build mathematical models, and develop
fast numerical solvers to efficiently solve these models,
and perform data analysis to explain biological phenomena.
Subject Materials
This course introduces the interdisciplinary
topics for graduate students at the interface of
mathematics and biology, and it covers very
comprehensive techniques for mathematical
modeling and computations which arise from
various biological applications,
ranging from cell biology, signaling networks
to pattern formation, cancer cells and tumor growth.
This course is self-contanied, and no prerequisite is needed.
It will mainly focus on various models for biomedical processes
based on discrete models and ordinary/partial differential
equations on the continuous level.
Exams: There will be three homework projects and a comprehensive take-home
final project.
Homework Projects: 60%
Final Project: 40%
Grading Scales: A (90-100%), B+ (86-89%), B (80-85%), C+ (76-79%), C (70-75%), D+ (66-69%),
D (60-65%), F (0-59%)
Attendance: Attendance at every class meeting is important - and expected. Students missing
more than 10% of the class meetings (4 days) can have their grade lowered.
Class Files (Check Blackboard)
Academic Dishonesty: Cheating and plagiarism in any form is not tolerated.
If a student is caught cheating, I will follow the guidelines as set
forth in the USC Honor Code and other University guidelines.