Class Information
Section: 001
Semester: Spring 2011
Credit Hours: 3

Meeting Information
Classroom Location: LC 303B
Days and Times: M W F 1:25PM to 2:15PM

Instructor Information
Xinfeng Liu
Phone: 576-5849
Office Location: LC 422
Office Hours: MWF 11:00AM-12:00PM or by appointment

Textbook: Partial Differential Equations, Graduate Studies in Mathematics, by Lawrence C. Evans.

Course Content: This course will cover the materials presented in Part II (Chapters 5, 6 and 7) of the text.

Learning Outcome: Students are expected to rely on functional analysis and "energy" estimates to prove the existence of weak solutions to various linear PDEs, and also apply the methodology learned from this course to investigate the uniqueness and regularity of such solutions and deduce various other properties.

Reading: Reading the textbook in advance of the lecture is strongly encouraged. Benifits of this preparation include obtaining a familiarity with the terminology and concepts that will be encountered (so you can distinguish major points from side issues), being able to formulate questions about the parts of the presentation that you do not understand, and having a chance to review the skills and techniques that will be needed to apply the new concepts.

Exams: There will be three homework projects and a comprehensive take-home final project.

Homework Projects: 60%
Final Project: 40%
Grading Scales: A (90-100%), B+ (86-89%), B (80-85%), C+ (76-79%), C (70-75%), D+ (66-69%), D (60-65%), F (0-59%)

Attendance: Attendance at every class meeting is important - and expected. Students missing more than 10% of the class meetings (4 days) can have their grade lowered.

Class Files (Check Blackboard)

Academic Dishonesty: Cheating and plagiarism in any form is not tolerated. If a student is caught cheating, I will follow the guidelines as set forth in the USC Honor Code and other University guidelines.