Ewa had many heroes that she admired greatly. They included Zhuowei (pronounced Zo-we) Yin, a young high school student who died of cancer.
Zhuowei won the High School math contest at the University of South Carolina and was one the top participants in many others. he was a brilliant student and Ewa admired him greatly but mostly for the way he lived his life in the face of his illness. As she states in the letter below, Ewa's other heroes included Richard Feynmann, the Nobel-Prize winning physicist, Mother Teresa, a humanitarian, and Maximilian Kolbe, a man who gave his life for others in a Nazi concentration camp.
Here is the text of the letter that Ewa wrote to Zhuowei's parents after his death.
Nov. 6, 1994
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Yin,
I wish I knew Zhuowei longer. I met him for the first time when he was a participant in the College of Charleston Mathematics Competition. I was so very impressed by his Mathematical talent. His enthusiasm for everything he participated in was endearing to me. As a coordinator of the South Carolina Mathematics Team, I had several opportunities to see Zhuowei in action. I will never forget playing bridge with him at the Davidson College Practice Meet. He was a major factor for our defeating the team from North Carolina for the first time that year. Later that year, I went to Penn. State with the Math Team and had yet another chance to enjoy Zhuowei's company. In that competition he did the best of anyone on our team and was only two points from being the over-all winner. There is no doubt in my mind, that Zhuowei would have been a great mathematician ó he had exceptional talent.
But even more than all this, I admired Zhuowei greatly as a person. He was always enthusiastic, never complained or griped about anything and was a tremendous inspiration to me. He touched my soul as no one else has in some time. I have a list of my heroes. It includes Richard Feynmann, the Nobel-Prize winning physicist; Mother Teresa, a humanitarian; Maximilian Kolbe, a man who gave his life for others in a Nazi concentration camp. Now I will include Zhuowei on that list.
I will miss him.
Dr. Ewa Wojcicka
Also, I am sure that Ewa would have included on her list the nurses and doctors who cared for her and the helicopter crew that rescued her.
The pilot of the LifeStar Helicopter that rescued Ewa