Solutions Appear Here when you click on the number of the puzzle.

Babies switched at birth

Dangerous Curve

Turn about is fair play

Corner stone

Get the L out of here

Sex and vowelance

Suit yourself

Parallel Lions

Shrunken head

Custard's Last Stand

Bottomless Pit

Scambled Eggs

Twenty Thousand leagues beneath the C.

Partly Cloudy

The beginning of the end

There's no question about it

Once Upon A Time

A cute angle

There are two solutions:
(1). Today's tuesday ( two days, two's, Day)
(2). Sunday (i.e, Two days before two's Day)

The Empty Set (The M T Set)

Hidden meaning
(see the diagonal running from bottom left to top right)

Shoot first and ask questions later

A round number

A piece of pie

That's my final offer

Foreseeing the future

Gotta get going