Ratio and n-th Root Tests

(using  lim sup  and  lim inf)

Defn. If {an} is a sequence of real numbers, then define the limit inferior and limit superior, respectively, by

lim infn®¥ an : = sup (infn ³an)
lim supn®¥ an : = inf k (supn ³ k an)

Note. If we define ak : = infn ³ k an, then it is clear that the {an} form a nondecreasing sequence and will converge in the extended sense. Similarly, bk : = supn ³ k an form a nonincreasing sequence and will converge in the extended sense to its infimum.

Proposition.  Suppose a = lim infn®¥ an, then for each e > 0, eventually a-e < an and infinitely often an < a+e. Similarly, if lim supn®¥ an = b, then for each e > 0 eventually an < b+ e and infinitely often b < an + e.

Corollary.  If lim infn®¥ an > a, then eventually an > a. Similarly, if lim supn®¥ an < b, then eventually an < b.

Corollary.  A sequence {an} converges if and only if lim infn®¥ an = lim supn®¥ an . The common value is the limit of the sequence.

Theorem.  (Ratio Test) For a sequence of nonnegative numbers, define

R := lim supn®¥  an+1/an
r := lim infn®¥  an+1/an

then for the series ån = 1¥ an

Note. The special limit limn®¥  n1/n  =  1 will be useful in what follows.

Theorem. (n-th Root Test) For a sequence of nonnegative numbers, define

R := lim supn®¥  (an)1/n

then for the series ån = 1¥ an

Robert Sharpley March 25 1998