Software Requirements


Use of this library assumes a knowledge of C or Fortran, nx_ message passing calls on the Paragon (or, respectively, mpi_message passing calls) and some familiarity with networking concepts.

This library runs under the UNIX operating system and uses the RPC library which is provided by most UNIX machines. The RPC library in turn makes use of the XDR library for byte ordering.

Before using the library, please check for the portmapper daemon on the server side (e.g.., PARAGON) by sending a command such as
rpcinfo -p ServerName
If rpcinfo fails, please contact your system administrator for further details. A typical cause for the failure of the rpcinfo command is a firewall, i.e. the host does not have access to the server directly. Issuing the rpcinfo command is the best predictor of whether this library will work properly on a given machine with the protections that the system manager has employed. We have sucessfully resolved this issue at ORNL, Texas A&M, BNL/Stony Brook, and South Carolina. For further information, see Workarounds or Frequently Asked Questions.


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