Assignment #4: Iterative Solvers for Linear Systems
Due: Friday, April 5, 1996
On June 25, 1985, at the 11th Dundee Biennial Conference on Numerical Analysis, Nick Trefethen, now at Cornell University, and Peter Alfeld of the University of Utah made a bet:
L.N. Trefethen hereby bets Peter Alfeld that by 31 December 1994, a method will have been found to solve Ax=b (anThe bet was witnessed by Per Erik Koch and Syvert Paul Nørsett.) linear system of equations) in
operations for any
. Numerical stability is not required. The winner get $100 from the loser.
Trefethen has informed SIAM News that as the best known exponent for linear algebra problems in 2.376, thanks to an algorithm developed by Coppersmith and Winograd in 1987, he has lost the bet and sent a check for $100 to Alfeld. (The year's delay in paying up, he says, is simply a result of faulty memory of the expiration date.) ``I'm still optimistic about the future,'' Trefethen claims, to which Alfeld replies, ``I believe it can't be done, and I challenge you to re-enter the bet for another ten years!''
Trefethen and Alfeld wish to inform SIAM News readers that their bet is hereby renewed and that another $100 will change hands on January 1, 2006.
-- SIAM News, March 1996, p. 6