Homework Problems for Chapters 7 and 8
Integrals over Paths and Surfaces
The Integral Theorems of Vector Analysis
This is the final set of homework problems. As you can see, we
still have a fair amount of material to cover. The topics in the
last two chapters are applications of everything discussed in the
course: tangent vectors, normal vectors, double integrals, triple
integrals, ....
The final exam will concentrate on the topics in Chapters 7 and 8.
However, as mentioned above, you will need to be able to use many
of the earlier methods and techniques to solve these problems.
Problems marked with an asterisk (
) will be collected and
graded. In general, problems will be due the day following
the lecture in which the section was discussed. -
These problems have been selected as the minimum amount of
work that you should be doing for this course. Some problems
will be straightforward computations; some will require the
construction of a logical argument using the terminology and
concepts discussed in class; some problems will require you
to expand your knowledge (with given information) and apply
this to a new setting.
If you need more practice, there are many other problems
in the text that are similar to the ones I have assigned.
There are two sections of review problems at the end of
each chapter. None of these problems will be collected for
grading. These problems should be a good test of your understanding
of the main points in the chapter. I suggest solving these problems
as one part of your preparation for an exam.
Be sure you know how to do all of these problems. Do not
hesitate to ask questions - in class, by e-mail, or during
office hours.
Douglas B. Meade
Mon Mar 31 09:26:47 EST 1997