Homework Problems for Chapter 5
Double and Triple Integrals
Problems marked with an asterisk (
) will be collected and
graded. In general, problems will be due the Monday following
the lecture in which the section was discussed. -
These problems have been selected as the minimum amount of
work that you should be doing for this course. Some problems
will be straightforward computations; some will require the
construction of a logical argument using the terminology and
concepts discussed in class; some problems will require you
to expand your knowledge (with given information) and apply
this to a new setting.
If you need more practice, there are many other problems
in the text that are similar to the ones I have assigned.
The first mid-term exam will be Friday, February 14. This exam
will cover all material that we have covered to date, but will
emphasize the material in chapters 4 and 5. The review problems
at the end of the chapter are an excellent way to study for the
exam. If you understand the homework problems (all assigned
problems, not just the ones collected), you'll have no trouble
with the exam.
Do not hesitate to ask questions - in class, by e-mail, or during
office hours.
Douglas B. Meade
Mon Feb 3 22:00:32 EST 1997