Numerical Linear Algebra
Math 526 -- Sections 1 and 2, Fall 2005

Professor Doug Meade
Department of Mathematics
University of South Carolina

MATLAB Demonstrations and Scripts

Date Created
22 Aug WebPageDemo.m MATLAB script to demonstrate calculations related to the webpage ranking discussion in Chapter 0
26 Aug AssocMultFlopsDemo.m MATLAB script to demonstrate the computational differences between (A*B)*C) and A*(B*C).
12 Sep PPivotCompare.m MATLAB function to illustrate the importance of partial pivoting for a simple special system
12 Sep PPivotCompareDemo.m MATLAB script showing the use of the PPivotCompare function
21 Oct iterate.m MATLAB script for general iterative solvers (when do the iterates converge? is the limit the exact solution?)


  • MATLAB scripts (.m files) should be downloaded to your local computer (I recommend creating a folder called, say, MATLAB-files.) Then, from within MATLAB, under the File menu, select Run Script ... and Browse to the location where you save the .m file; select the script and click OK. All output will appear in your MATLAB window.
  • Portable Document Format (PDF) files are viewable with acroread, a publicly available PDF viewer by Adobe.
  • PostScript (PS) files are viewable with ghostview, the public domain PS viewer.

  • If you have any questions, please send e-mail to
    Last modified: 29 August 2005