Homework Problems for Chapter 4
Least Squares Optimization
Least squares problems are a special class of optimization problems.
In general, the idea is to minimize the sum of the squares of several
quantities. We will see that techniques studied earlier in this course
can be applied to find the solution of these problems.
Homework problems will be collected each Monday. In general, problems
for each section are due on the first Monday following their discussion
in class.
Do not wait until the last minute to look at the problems. In fact, I
suggest that you look at the problems in advance of our discussion
of the material in class.
I have tried to keep the number of problems to a minimum. However, some
of these problems will require some thought. You should expect that some
parts of them do not make sense the first time you read them. However,
as you re-read the problem, and the text, you should find that the questions
start to become clearer.
I expect you to come to me for help whenever it's needed. I believe it
is very important (for this course) that you successfully work all these
problems. My e-mail address is meade@math.sc.edu; my office phone
is x6183.
Douglas B. Meade
Last revision: Mon Nov 27 09:15:33 EST 1995