Maple worksheets (.mw files) should be downloaded to your
local computer. (I recommend creating a folder to hold all of these
files, say, MATH520-Maple-files.) Once downloaded, a worksheet
can be opened by double-clicking.
Maple is available on many
computers on the USC campus. If there is a university-owned (or leased)
computer where you want to use Maple that does not have a copy of
Maple installed on it, let me know and I will try to work with the
appropriate people to have Maple installed on that computer.
Students in this course can obtain a copy of Maple through the
Maple Adoption Program.
If you are interested in this, browse to the Maple webstore. Prior to checking out, be sure to enter the code: UOSC-0909 to ensure that you get the special pricing for USC students.
Portable Document Format (PDF) files are viewable with acroread,
a publicly available PDF viewer by Adobe.
If you have any questions, please send e-mail to
Last modified: 27 January 2015