Homework Problems for Chapter 8
Techniques of Integration
Integration takes practice! I strongly encourage each of you
to successfully solve each of these problems.
While we will discuss the topics in each section of this
chapter, we will not be discussing every part of
each section. For example, we will not talk about Tables
of Integration (in § 8.1) and will only look at integrals
of Type I and Type II in § 8.2. I will make more announcements
about this in the lectures.
Formulating a plan of attack is often necessary when
evaluating integrals. You need to identify this plan
in advance, then determine if your plan is going to
be successful. With the above practice, you should
quickly become proficient in the evaluation of integrals.
The problems will reinforce the main points presented
in the text, and in the lectures. You should be sure you
know how to work all of them. Note that references to
examples in the text are provided for many problems. Don't
be afraid to use these hints.
Some problems will require you to use knowledge learned in
Math 141, or earlier in 142. If you don't remember the appropriate
technique, look it up!
If you need more practice, there are many other problems
in the text that are similar to the ones I have assigned.
Do not be surprised if some of the answers in the book look
different than yours. If both answers are correct, it should
be possible to convert one into the other using the properties
of the exponential, logarithmic, and trigonometric functions.
If you don't know how to do a problem, ask about it in class,
or see me!
Douglas B. Meade
Last revision: Wed Jan 24 14:04:51 EST 1996