Homework Problems for Chapter 10
Numerical Methods and Approximations

The main theme of this chapter is approximation, in particular
the approximation of functions and of integrals. These ideas are
quite powerful, as many (if not most) real-world problems cannot
be solved using exact methods.
Our emphasis will not, however, be on numerical computations. We
will concentrate on the ideas behind the approximations and the
errors that are introduced with approximations.
Some of the assigned problems do require the use of a calculator.
These problems are important. The exam problems will be similar,
but will not involve calculations that require a calculator (or
other electronic device).
These problems will reinforce the main points presented
in the text, and in the lectures. You should be sure you
know how to work all of them. Note that references to
examples in the text are provided for many problems. Don't
be afraid to use these hints.
Some problems will require you to use knowledge learned in
Math 141. If you don't remember the appropriate technique,
look it up!
If you need more practice, there are many other problems
in the text that are similar to the ones I have assigned.
If you don't know how to do a problem, ask about it in class,
recitation, or office hours!
Douglas B. Meade
Last revision: Wed Oct 11 15:40:28 EDT 1995