Graduate Student Columbia, SC 29208, USA Office: LC 314 |
I am a 4th year graduate student in Mathematics at USC-Columbia. I am co-advised by László Székely and Éva Czabarka.
In 2015, I graduated summa cum laude from Minnesota State University-Moorhead with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Mathematics.
My research interests are in Discrete Mathematics in general and Graph Theory in particular. Currently, I am working on problems related to the Steiner diameter of connected graphs.
Outside of Mathematics, I am interested in Social Choice Theory, Board Games, and Racquetball.
5) J. R., On the 5-Steiner radius and 5-Steiner diameter of connected graphs. In preparation.
4) É. Czabarka, J. R., L. A. Székely, The Steiner distance problem for large subsets in the hypercube. submitted.
3) É. Czabarka, J. R., L. A. Székely, Zhiyu Wang, Midrange crossing numbers of graph classes. Submitted, arXiv:1811.08071.
2) S. Erickson, A. Goyt, J. R., Aphid sequences: turning Fibonacci numbers inside out. Mathematics Magazine 91 (2018), no. 3, 198–205.
1) R. Doughty, J. Gonda, A. Morales, B. Reiswig, J. R., K. Slyman, D. Pritikin, Arranging kings k-dependently on hexagonal chessboards. Involve 9 (2016), no. 4, 699–713.