Making special vectors and matrices
We will need to be able to define vectors, such as the zero vector, of
size n. Here are some examples:
zeros(m,1) % column vector of zeros of length m
zeros(1,n) % row vector of zeros of length n
ones(m,1) % column vector of ones of length m
ones(1,n) % zero row vector of ones of length n
linspace(a,b,n) % row vector of n equally spaced numbers from a to b
linspace(a,b,n)' % column vector of n equally spaced numbers from a to b
linspace(0,0,n) % row vector of zeros of length n
linspace(0,0,m)' % column vector of zeros of length m
Here are examples of how to form matrices, such as the zero matrix,
which are used on a regular basis:
zeros(n) % n x n matrix of zeros
zeros(m,n) % m x n matrix of zeros
zeros(size(A)) % matrix of zeros the same size as A
ones(n) % n x n matrix of ones
ones(m,n) % m x n matrix of ones
ones(size(A)) % matrix of ones the same size as A
eye(n) % n x n identity matrix
eye(m,n) % m x n identity matrix
eye(size(A)) % identity matrix the same size as A