function y =inmat(A,B)
% This is a program designed to multiply two matrices
% together by using the inner product.
% Written by Martha Allen
% Call syntax: inmat(A,B)
% Input: an mxp matrix A and an pxn matrix B
% Output: the product AB which is an mxn matrix C
m= size(A,1); % gets the row size of matrix A
p= size(A,2); % gets the column size of matrix A
n= size(B,2); % gets the column size of matrix B
f= size(B,1); % gets the row size of matrix B
if f==p
C=zeros(m,n); % initializes the variable C
for i=1:m % starts the loop
for j=1:n % starts the loop
C(i,j)=C(i,j) + A(i,:) * B(:,j); % updates C
end % ends loop
end % ends loop
ans = C % prints the final answer C
error('The dimensions of the matrices must agree.')