When used wisely,
MML homworks and quizzes (2 of the progress checks)
will help you prepare for exams.
Many exam problems are taken from MML.
MML HW is not only a place to learn to solve a given problem
but also how to deepen your understanding of the material
so that you can solve similar problems.
This includes not only how to solve a problem
but also how to check your solution.
Then a MML quiz gives you the chance to assess your understanding
before the actual exam.
On a MML problem, you (usually) have 1 attempt and
each attempt comes with 1-3 tries
(e.g., 1 try on T/F and 3 tries on long problems).
After each try, MML tells you if your solution is correct.
MML gives a warning when it is the last try.
On a quiz/test problem, you have one chance (no 2nd tries) to solve a problem
so you need to be able check your work.
Below is info on how to wisely use MML.
Table of Contents
When asking about MML question, you must show Prof. G.
your written work from the given steps.
Also contains general organizational info for quizzes.
MML homework.
How to do a MML question.
Write the question number.
Write the statement of the question.
Solve the question by hand (a pencil is good for this).
If need ideas on how to approach/solve, read:
class notes, class handouts, the book, and Desmos demonstrations.
Check your work.
Enter your solution into MML.
If you solution is not correct, re-do the problem.
First look over your written solution for a mistake.
Next look at (if available) MML's view an example,
which should be used sparingly since it shows how to do a particular problem
but lacks in providing needed deeper understand
as well as problem solving skill development.
Re-enter your solution into MML.
Once you have finished a problem, make reminders to yourself in a different color (e.g., red)
of things you want to remember when studying for an exam.
When studying for a quiz/exam, look back over your MML HW for your r reminders
(in the different color). .
MML quizzes.
For sections covered on a MML quiz,
make notes (e.g., on a sheet of paper or as flash cards)
of items you would like quick reference to during the (timed) quiz.
Your notes will help not only on quizzes
but also for exam studying.
Unlike an in-class on-paper exam,
a MML quiz (which is taken over MML):
is open notes, cheat sheet is allowed, and calculator is allowed.
MML will not provide a calculator
so bring a calculator.
A quiz must be completed in one session, i.e.
once you start a quiz, you can NOT come back to it later
In case of an emergency, email Prof. Girardi immediately.
For a MML Quiz (unless otherwide announced)
on the day of the quiz
the quiz can be started anytime after 7:00 am
and must be finished by 11:59 pm .
The sections covered and the allotted time are indicated
in the quiz's name on MML, e.g.: Quiz 2: 12.1-12.3 (30 min).
What happens before the start time of the quiz.
(once quiz is posted)
The quiz will appear on MML Course Home page
(if needed, on the right side column in a horizontal row,
change Current to Entire Course to Date and look
under Current Assignment).
The quiz will not open until the start time.
The quiz will not appear under (MML) Assignments.
What happens after the start time of the quiz.
The quiz appears and opens in both: (MML) Course Home and (MML) Assignment.
(see left MML column)
In (MML) Assignments, if needed, from a pull-down menu select either:
All Assignments, or Quizzes, or Quizzes&Tests.
MML will indicate how many minutes a student has for the quiz.
The time remaining should show on the bottom bar.
Also, a warning appears as the end time is nearing.
The questions will be in the same style as MML homework questions.
Be able to do questions quicker on quizzes (and exams)
than when still learning by doing homework questions.
MML Help, see Reviewing Assignments for
how to review MML assignments, which is
highly suggested when studying for the quiz.
Over the sections covered on a quiz, work some
practice quizzes, as explained at the (linked)
MML Help, which is also posted on course homepage.
Working such quizzes will also let you see the format of a MML quiz.
After the class finishes the quiz
the quiz results will be posted on MML,
at which point you can see your quiz score and
review the quiz. Prof. G must do this by hand
so if you do not see your result in a reasonable
amount to time, just shot her an email.
Students may not discuss, nor share any information about, the quiz with others until
the day after the quiz is to be taken.
Failure to follow this will result in a F in the course
If you are registered with the Office of Student Disability Resource Center for
extended time and you have discussed your accommodations with Prof. Girardi
at least 48 hours prior to the quiz availability
then your extended time will appear when you open your quiz.
Findable from URL: http://people.math.sc.edu/girardi