
Homeworks  and  Quizzes   

When used wisely, MML homworks and quizzes (2 of the progress checks) will help you prepare for exams.
Many exam problems are taken from MML.

MML HW is not only a place to learn to solve a given problem but also how to deepen your understanding of the material so that you can solve similar problems. This includes not only how to solve a problem but also how to check your solution. Then a MML quiz gives you the chance to assess your understanding before the actual exam.

On a MML problem, you (usually) have 1 attempt and each attempt comes with 1-3 tries (e.g., 1 try on T/F and 3 tries on long problems). After each try, MML tells you if your solution is correct. MML gives a warning when it is the last try.

On a quiz/test problem, you have one chance (no 2nd tries) to solve a problem so you need to be able check your work.

Below is info on how to wisely use MML.

Table of Contents

  • When asking about MML question, you must show Prof. G. your written work from the given steps.
  •     Also contains general organizational info for quizzes.


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