Research Support
2024 full semester participant of Theory, Methods, and Applications of Quantitative Phylogenomics, ICERM, Brown University/NSF
- 2021-2022 Mathematics Research Communities Workshop: Trees in Many Contexts,
AMS, co-PI, co-PIs:
H. Smith Blake (Davidso Math),
M. Bóna (UFL Math),
S. Wagner (Uppsala) Math,
Hua Wang (Georgia Southern Math)
- NSF-CBMS Conference on Additive Combinatorics from the Geometric Viewpoint,
co-PI, PI: László A.
Székely (USC Math)
F. Thorne (USC Math),
2014-2017 Internationalisation - a Pillar of Development of the University of Maribor
European Union and government of Slovenia, foreign collaborator, PI
Drago Bokal
- 2016-2017 Mathematics Research Communities Workshop: Beyond Planarity: Crossing Numbers of Graphs,
AMS, co-PI, co-PIs:
S. Fernández-Merchant (CSU Math),
G. Salazar (San Luis Potosi, Math),
M. Scaefer (DePaul Math),
L. A.
Székely (USC Math)
Twenty-Eighth Cumberland Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory, and Computing
21400-FJ00, 2014-2015,
co-PI, PI
Linyuan Lu (USC)
- 2015 Visiting professor - University of Minnesota: Discrete Structures: Analysis and Application, University of Minnesota/NSF
Ensemble-Based Modeling of Large Graphs and Its Applications to Social Networks,
GRAPHS, 2014-2015,
Phase II (15 months) co-PI in the USC subcontract with
Székely (USC
PI: Z. Toroczkai
(UND Physics/CSE)
Other co-PI-s:
K. E. Bassler
(UH Physics),
N. V. Chawla
G. Korniss
(RPI Physics)
Ensemble-Based Modeling of Large Graphs and Its Applications to Social Networks,
GRAPHS, 2012-2014,
Phase I (18 months) co-PI in the USC subcontract with
L. A.
Székely (USC
PI: Z. Toroczkai
(UND Physics/CSE)
Other co-PI-s:
K. E. Bassler
(UH Physics),
N. V. Chawla
P. L. Erdős
G. Korniss
(RPI Physics),
I. Miklós
Extremal Combinatorics and Biological Applications of Combinatorics
Promising Investigator Research Award, Track I,
Office of Research and Graduate Education,
University of South Carolina,
Marie Curie Fellowship,
Hungarian Bioinformatics
at the Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics
of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
- 2 months in Summer 2010
- 2 months in Summer 2009
- 2 months in Summer 2008
- 2 months in Summer 2007
Administrative Supplement:
Phylogenetic Analysis with Complex Genome Rearrangement Events (2009-2010) by
NIGMS 3 R01 GM078991-03S1, co-I,
PI: Jijun Tang
co-I's: László A.
Todd J. Vision
External travel grants
- To
Combinatorics, Groups, Algorithms, and Complexity,
(Babai is 60), Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, March 21-25 2010
- To
New Directions in Algorithms, Combinatorics, and Optimization (Trotter is 65) Georgia Tech, Atlanta, May 5-9, 2008
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