Thu Sep 13 11:07:21 2018 NGRAM_SCORE_TEST1: Python version: 3.6.5 NGRAM_SCORE tests a string or text against English ngram statistics. Here we do a test against English monograms. Apparently, you want to remove all nonalphabetic information, and uppercase your text. But you may wish to preserve spaces. HELLOWORLD length = 10, score = -12.9534 HELLO WORLD length = 11, score = -24.5943 helloworld length = 10, score = -116.409 HELLO, WORLD! length = 13, score = -47.8761 Hello, world! length = 13, score = -140.996 HELLOWORLD.txt length = 11, score = -24.5943 desiderata.txt length = 1820, score = -6475.16 NGRAM_SCORE_TEST1: Normal end of execution. NGRAM_SCORE_TEST2: Python version: 3.6.5 NGRAM_SCORE tests a string or text against English ngram statistics. Here we do a test against English bigrams. Apparently, you want to remove all nonalphabetic information, and uppercase your text. But you may wish to preserve spaces. HELLOWORLD length = 10, score = -21.2958 HELLO WORLD length = 11, score = -42.0963 helloworld length = 10, score = -104.723 HELLO, WORLD! length = 13, score = -65.3681 Hello, world! length = 13, score = -139.631 HELLOWORLD.txt length = 11, score = -32.9317 desiderata.txt length = 1820, score = -10834 NGRAM_SCORE_TEST2: Normal end of execution. Thu Sep 13 11:07:22 2018