12-Mar-2019 11:49:00
MATLAB version.
Test sde.
Brownian path simulation
{Error using rng (line 99)
The current random number generator is the legacy generator. This is because you have
executed a command such as rand('state',0), which activates MATLAB's legacy random number
behavior. You may not use RNG to reseed the legacy random number generator.
Use rng('default') to reinitialize the random number generator to its startup configuration,
or call RNG using a specific generator type, such as rng(seed,'twister').
Error in bpath (line 46)
rng ( seed )
Error in sde_test (line 29)
bpath ( seed );
12-Mar-2019 11:49:25
MATLAB version.
Test sde.
Brownian path simulation
Elapsed time is 0.000992 seconds.
Plot stored as "bpath.png"
Brownian path simulation
Elapsed time is 0.000347 seconds.
Plot saved as "bpath_vectorized.png"
Average 1000 Brownian path simulations.
Elapsed time is 0.016611 seconds.
Plot saved as "bpath_average.png"
Maximum error in averaged data is 0.024035
Solve a stochastic differential equation involving a function
of a stochastic variable X.
We can solve for X(t), and then evaluate V(X(t)).
Or, we can apply the stochastic chain rule to derive an
an SDE for V, and solve that.
Maximum difference = 0.00656882
Plot saved as "chain.png"
Xem(Tfinal) - Xtrue(Tfinal) = 0.141851
Plot saved as "em.png"
Least squares solution to Error = c * dt ^ q
Expecting a value near 0.5
q = 0.527373
Residual is 0.0257188
Plot saved as "emstrong.png"
Using standard Euler-Maruyama method.
Least squares solution to Error = c * dt ^ q
Expecting a value near 1
q = 0.998868
Residual is 0.0588024
Plot saved as "emweak0.png"
Using weak Euler-Maruyama method.
Least squares solution to Error = c * dt ^ q
Expecting a value near 1
q = 0.983309
Residual is 0.145161
Plot saved as "emweak1.png"
Least squares solution to Error = c * dt ^ q
Expecting a value near 0.5
q = 1.00786
Residual is 0.0273506
Plot saved as "milstrong.png".
Investigate asymptotic stability of Euler-Maruyama
solution with stepsize DT and MU.
SDE is asymptotically stable if
Real ( lambda - 1/2 mu^2 ) < 0.
EM with DT is asymptotically stable if
E log ( 1 + lambda dt - sqrt(dt) mu n(0,1) ) < 0.
where n(0,1) is a normal random value.
Lambda = 0.5
Mu = 2.44949
SDE asymptotic test = -2.5
dt = 1
EM asymptotic test = 0.465152
dt = 0.5
EM asymptotic test = 0.118434
dt = 0.25
EM asymptotic test = -0.0539516
Plot saved as "stab_asymptotic.png".
Plot saved as "stab_meansquare.png".
Estimate the Ito integral of W(t) dW over [0,1].
Abs Rel
N Exact Estimate Error Error
100 -0.48987217 -0.49996505 0.01 -0.021
400 -0.34407159 -0.29128579 0.053 -0.15
1600 0.31683709 0.32490331 0.0081 0.025
6400 0.30529586 0.30627903 0.00098 0.0032
25600 -0.47858807 -0.48260176 0.004 -0.0084
102400 -0.43080245 -0.43285652 0.0021 -0.0048
409600 -0.27636342 -0.27678558 0.00042 -0.0015
Estimate the Stratonovich integral of W(t) dW over [0,1].
Abs Rel
N Exact Estimate Error Error
100 0.010127831 0.032717739 0.023 2.2
400 0.15592841 0.15359388 0.0023 0.015
1600 0.81683709 0.80703209 0.0098 0.012
6400 0.80529586 0.81134261 0.006 0.0075
25600 0.021411934 0.023602932 0.0022 0.1
102400 0.069197546 0.067654619 0.0015 0.022
409600 0.22363658 0.22313417 0.0005 0.0022
Normal end of execution.
12-Mar-2019 11:50:26
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