CS2TST:  CSHEP2D Test Program

     Specify a node set number in the range 1 to  5:

     Specify the first test function (1 to 10):

   KFF =            1

     Specify the last test function ( 1 to 10):

   KFL =           10

     N = 100

     Specify the number of nodes NC for the least squares fits.
     NC = 17 is recommended.  NC GE 9.

   NC =           17

     Specify the number of nodes NW for the weights.  NW = 30 is
     recommended.  1  LE  NW  LE  MIN(40,N-1).
   NW =           30

     Specify the number of rows and columns NR in the uniform grid
     of cells used to locate nearest neighbors.  NR = Sqrt(N/3) is
     recommended.  1 LE NR LE 10
   NR =            6
                              CS2TST Output:

                 CSHEP2D Interpolation Errors for N nodes and an
       NI by NI Uniform Grid of Interpolationion Points in the Unit Square

       Node set  1    N = 100    NI = 33    NC = 17    NW = 30    NR =  6

                 Function    Max Error    Mean Error    SSE/SSM

                     1          0.0451       0.00396   0.000560
                     2          0.0367       0.00222   0.002090
                     3          0.0100       0.00050   0.000182
                     4          0.0012       0.00016   0.000010
                     5          0.0109       0.00076   0.000345
                     6          0.0020       0.00010   0.000010
                     7          0.8037       0.07071   0.011088
                     8          0.2982       0.02706   0.008277
                     9         12.7220       0.76454   0.003507
                    10          0.2634       0.01735   0.022579

            Average SSE/SSM over the test functions =  0.004865

             CS2TST:  CSHEP2D Test Program

     Specify a node set number in the range 1 to  5:

     Specify the first test function (1 to 10):

   KFF =            1

     Specify the last test function ( 1 to 10):

   KFL =           10

     N =  33

     Specify the number of nodes NC for the least squares fits.
     NC = 17 is recommended.  NC GE 9.

   NC =           17

     Specify the number of nodes NW for the weights.  NW = 30 is
     recommended.  1  LE  NW  LE  MIN(40,N-1).
   NW =           30

     Specify the number of rows and columns NR in the uniform grid
     of cells used to locate nearest neighbors.  NR = Sqrt(N/3) is
     recommended.  1 LE NR LE 10
   NR =            6
                              CS2TST Output:

                 CSHEP2D Interpolation Errors for N nodes and an
       NI by NI Uniform Grid of Interpolationion Points in the Unit Square

       Node set  2    N =  33    NI = 33    NC = 17    NW = 30    NR =  6

                 Function    Max Error    Mean Error    SSE/SSM

                     1          0.1985       0.03217   0.027103
                     2          0.0906       0.01514   0.050291
                     3          0.0342       0.00574   0.009804
                     4          0.0103       0.00209   0.001336
                     5          0.0789       0.01122   0.063871
                     6          0.0063       0.00102   0.000445
                     7          5.1166       0.45137   0.545207
                     8          0.5898       0.13708   0.136134
                     9         82.7808      11.48947   0.712648
                    10          1.2923       0.11623   0.922764

            Average SSE/SSM over the test functions =  0.246960

             CS2TST:  CSHEP2D Test Program

     Specify a node set number in the range 1 to  5:

     Specify the first test function (1 to 10):

   KFF =            1

     Specify the last test function ( 1 to 10):

   KFL =           10

     N =  25

     Specify the number of nodes NC for the least squares fits.
     NC = 17 is recommended.  NC GE 9.

   NC =           17

     Specify the number of nodes NW for the weights.  NW = 30 is
     recommended.  1  LE  NW  LE  MIN(40,N-1).
   NW =           24

     Specify the number of rows and columns NR in the uniform grid
     of cells used to locate nearest neighbors.  NR = Sqrt(N/3) is
     recommended.  1 LE NR LE 10
   NR =            3
                              CS2TST Output:

                 CSHEP2D Interpolation Errors for N nodes and an
       NI by NI Uniform Grid of Interpolationion Points in the Unit Square

       Node set  3    N =  25    NI = 33    NC = 17    NW = 24    NR =  3

                 Function    Max Error    Mean Error    SSE/SSM

                     1          0.2626       0.03981   0.040828
                     2          0.1053       0.01518   0.060934
                     3          0.0473       0.00803   0.018707
                     4          0.0138       0.00274   0.002377
                     5          0.0727       0.01328   0.054079
                     6          0.0147       0.00148   0.001309
                     7          4.8199       0.66708   0.697738
                     8          0.6648       0.14659   0.137615
                     9         52.8263      11.16329   0.434668
                    10          0.6301       0.13906   0.614843

            Average SSE/SSM over the test functions =  0.206310

             CS2TST:  CSHEP2D Test Program

     Specify a node set number in the range 1 to  5:

     Specify the first test function (1 to 10):

   KFF =            1

     Specify the last test function ( 1 to 10):

   KFL =           10

     N = 100

     Specify the number of nodes NC for the least squares fits.
     NC = 17 is recommended.  NC GE 9.

   NC =           17

     Specify the number of nodes NW for the weights.  NW = 30 is
     recommended.  1  LE  NW  LE  MIN(40,N-1).
   NW =           30

     Specify the number of rows and columns NR in the uniform grid
     of cells used to locate nearest neighbors.  NR = Sqrt(N/3) is
     recommended.  1 LE NR LE 10
   NR =            6
                              CS2TST Output:

                 CSHEP2D Interpolation Errors for N nodes and an
       NI by NI Uniform Grid of Interpolationion Points in the Unit Square

       Node set  4    N = 100    NI = 33    NC = 17    NW = 30    NR =  6

                 Function    Max Error    Mean Error    SSE/SSM

                     1          0.1343       0.00560   0.002356
                     2          0.0364       0.00227   0.001795
                     3          0.0111       0.00048   0.000151
                     4          0.0073       0.00025   0.000059
                     5          0.0211       0.00112   0.000914
                     6          0.0062       0.00012   0.000034
                     7          2.3553       0.08585   0.029959
                     8          0.3535       0.02422   0.006531
                     9         16.6364       1.18242   0.009313
                    10          0.3230       0.02021   0.026761

            Average SSE/SSM over the test functions =  0.007787

             CS2TST:  CSHEP2D Test Program

     Specify a node set number in the range 1 to  5:

     Specify the first test function (1 to 10):

   KFF =            1

     Specify the last test function ( 1 to 10):

   KFL =           10

     N =  81

     Specify the number of nodes NC for the least squares fits.
     NC = 17 is recommended.  NC GE 9.

   NC =           17

     Specify the number of nodes NW for the weights.  NW = 30 is
     recommended.  1  LE  NW  LE  MIN(40,N-1).
   NW =           30

     Specify the number of rows and columns NR in the uniform grid
     of cells used to locate nearest neighbors.  NR = Sqrt(N/3) is
     recommended.  1 LE NR LE 10
   NR =            5
                              CS2TST Output:

                 CSHEP2D Interpolation Errors for N nodes and an
       NI by NI Uniform Grid of Interpolationion Points in the Unit Square

       Node set  5    N =  81    NI = 33    NC = 17    NW = 30    NR =  5

                 Function    Max Error    Mean Error    SSE/SSM

                     1          0.0407       0.00412   0.000542
                     2          0.0109       0.00189   0.001040
                     3          0.0024       0.00029   0.000026
                     4          0.0007       0.00019   0.000008
                     5          0.0048       0.00071   0.000193
                     6          0.0007       0.00007   0.000003
                     7          0.2627       0.04395   0.003174
                     8          0.0724       0.01797   0.001862
                     9          6.3224       0.96095   0.003977
                    10          0.1488       0.01626   0.010463

            Average SSE/SSM over the test functions =  0.002129

             CS2TST:  CSHEP2D Test Program

     Specify a node set number in the range 1 to  5:

  Normal end of execution.