February 13 2003 8:48:42.524 AM ROC Receiver-Operator-Characteristic (ROC) area calculator. Enter the good identifier file name: Enter the name of the search file: Enter the number or initial of the search type: 1 BLAST 2 FASTA 3 GENERIC 4 MAXSEGS 5 PEARSON 0 QUIT Enter the number or initial of the data selection: 1 ALL all data; 2 SCORE_MIN all above min score; 3 POSITIVE_ALL down to lowest positive; 4 NEGATIVE_RESTRICT down to N-th negative; 5 TOTAL_RESTRICT N data items; 0 QUIT The ROC area integral is 0.986885 The range of the selected data was -21.8180 to 17.0500 Selected 5 positive items out of 5 Selected 122 negative items out of 122 Selected 127 items out of 127 ROC Normal end of execution. February 13 2003 8:48:42.770 AM