February 13 2003 8:48:04.615 AM ROC Receiver-Operator-Characteristic (ROC) area calculator. Enter the good identifier file name: Enter the name of the search file: Enter the number or initial of the search type: 1 BLAST 2 FASTA 3 GENERIC 4 MAXSEGS 5 PEARSON 0 QUIT Enter the number or initial of the data selection: 1 ALL all data; 2 SCORE_MIN all above min score; 3 POSITIVE_ALL down to lowest positive; 4 NEGATIVE_RESTRICT down to N-th negative; 5 TOTAL_RESTRICT N data items; 0 QUIT The ROC area integral is 0.550000 The range of the selected data was 1.00000 to 20.0000 Selected 10 positive items out of 10 Selected 10 negative items out of 10 Selected 20 items out of 20 ROC Normal end of execution. February 13 2003 8:48:04.844 AM