No of nonzeros in factor L = 15
No of nonzeros in factor U = 15
No of nonzeros in L+U = 30
L\U MB 0.001	total MB needed 0.002
22 July      2014  12:07:41.679 PM      
  FORTRAN77 version
  ZGSSV factors and solves a linear system
  using double precision complex arithmetic.
  Matrix order N =      5
  Matrix nonzeros ncc =     12
  1-based CC matrix SAMPLE:
     #     I     J       Ar                Ai
  ----  ----  ----  --------------  --------------
     1     1     1     19.000000         0.0000000    
     2     2     1     12.000000         0.0000000    
     3     5     1     12.000000         0.0000000    
     4     2     2     21.000000         0.0000000    
     5     3     2     12.000000         0.0000000    
     6     5     2     12.000000         0.0000000    
     7     1     3     21.000000         0.0000000    
     8     3     3     16.000000         0.0000000    
     9     1     4     21.000000         0.0000000    
    10     4     4     5.0000000         0.0000000    
    11     4     5     21.000000         0.0000000    
    12     5     5     18.000000         0.0000000    
  Factorization succeeded.
  Computed solution:
 -0.312500E-01   0.00000    
  0.654762E-01   0.00000    
  0.133929E-01   0.00000    
  0.625000E-01  -0.00000    
  0.327381E-01   0.00000    

  Product A*X:

   1.00000       0.00000    
   1.00000       0.00000    
   1.00000       0.00000    
   1.00000       0.00000    
   1.00000       0.00000    
  Normal end of execution.

22 July      2014  12:07:41.682 PM