22 September 2012  12:28:39.418 PM      
  FORTRAN77 version
  Test the SDE library.
  BPATH generates a sample Brownian motion path
  BPATH data stored in "bpath_data.txt".
  BPATH plot commands stored in "bpath_commands.txt".
  BPATH_AVERAGE generates many Brownian paths
  and averages them.
  BPATH_AVERAGE data stored in "bpath_average_data.txt".
  BPATH plot commands stored in "bpath_average_commands.txt".
  CHAIN solves a stochastic differential equation for
  a function of a stochastic variable X.
  We can solve for X(t), and then evaluate V(X(t)).
  Or, we can apply the stochastic chain rule to derive an
  an SDE for V, and solve that.
  Maximum | Sqrt(X) - V | =   0.142923E-01
  CHAIN data stored in "chain_data.txt".
  CHAIN plot commands stored in "chain_commands.txt".
  EM solves a stochastic differential equation
  using the Euler-Maruyama method.
  | Exact X(T) - EM X(T) | =   0.662559    
  EM data #1 stored in "em1_data.txt".
  EM data #2 stored in "em2_data.txt".
  EM plot commands stored in "em_commands.txt".
  EMSTRONG investigates the strong convergence
  of the Euler-Maruyama method.
  Least squares solution to Error = c * dt ^ q
  Expecting Q to be about 1/2.
  Computed Q =   0.523444    
  Residual is   0.132182    
  EMSTRONG data stored in "emstrong_data.txt".
  EMSTRONG plot commands stored in "emstrong_commands.txt".
  EMWEAK investigates the weak convergence
  of the Euler-Maruyama method.
  Using standard Euler-Maruyama method.
  Least squares solution to Error = c * dt ^ q
  Expecting Q to be about 1.
  Computed Q =    1.01802    
  Residual is   0.150786    
  EMWEAK data stored in "emweak0_data.txt".
  EMWEAK plot commands stored in "emweak0_commands.txt".
  Using weak Euler-Maruyama method.
  Least squares solution to Error = c * dt ^ q
  Expecting Q to be about 1.
  Computed Q =    1.00968    
  Residual is   0.184308    
  EMWEAK data stored in "emweak1_data.txt".
  EMWEAK plot commands stored in "emweak1_commands.txt".
  MILSTRONG investigates the strong convergence
  of the Milstein method.
  Least squares solution to Error = c * dt ^ q
  Expecting Q to be about 1.
  Computed Q =    1.01720    
  Residual is   0.449634E-02
  MILSTRONG data stored in "milstrong_data.txt".
  MILSTRONG plot commands stored in "milstrong_commands.txt".
  STAB_ASYMPTOTIC investigates the asymptotic
  stability of the Euler-Maruyama method.
  For technical reasons, the plotting is done
  in the same routine as the computations.
  Investigate asymptotic stability of Euler-Maruyama
  solution with stepsize DT and MU.
  SDE is asymptotically stable if
    Real ( lambda - 1/2 mu^2 ) < 0.
  EM with DT is asymptotically stable if
    E log ( | 1 + lambda dt - sqrt(dt) mu n(0,1) | ) < 0.
  where n(0,1) is a normal random value.
  Lambda =   0.500000    
  Mu =        2.44949    
  SDE asymptotic stability test =   -2.50000    
  dt =   0.500000    
  EM asymptotic test =   0.150451    
  Data for DT =   0.500000     stored in "stab_asymptotic1_data.txt".
  dt =   0.250000    
  EM asymptotic test =  -0.509627E-01
  Data for DT =   0.250000     stored in "stab_asymptotic2_data.txt".
  dt =   0.125000    
  EM asymptotic test =  -0.172760    
  Data for DT =   0.125000     stored in "stab_asymptotic3_data.txt".
  STAB_ASYMPTOTIC plot commands stored in "stab_asymptotic_commands.txt".
  STAB_MEANSQUARE investigates the mean square
  stability of the Euler-Maruyama method.
  For technical reasons, the plotting is done
  in the same routine as the computations.
  Investigate mean square stability of Euler-Maruyama
  solution with stepsize DT and MU.
  SDE is mean square stable if
    Real ( lambda + 1/2 |mu|^2 ) < 0.
  EM with DT is mean square stable if
    |1+dt^2| + dt * |mu|^2 - 1.0 < 0.
  Lambda =   -3.00000    
  Mu =        1.73205    
  SDE mean square stability test =   -1.50000    
  dt =    1.00000    
  EM mean square stability test =    6.00000    
  Data for DT =    1.00000     stored in "stab_meansquare1_data.txt".
  dt =   0.500000    
  EM mean square stability test =   0.750000    
  Data for DT =   0.500000     stored in "stab_meansquare2_data.txt".
  dt =   0.250000    
  EM mean square stability test =  -0.187500    
  Data for DT =   0.250000     stored in "stab_meansquare3_data.txt".
  STAB_MEANSQUARE plot commands stored in "stab_meansquare_commands.txt".
  Estimate the Ito integral of W(t) dW over [0,1].
                                                 Abs          Rel
         N        Exact        Estimate          Error        Error
       100   -0.30114922       -0.35566608        0.55E-01   -0.18    
       400   -0.17995973       -0.18591577        0.60E-02   -0.33E-01
      1600    0.41074701        0.41902712        0.83E-02    0.20E-01
      6400   -0.49717412       -0.50117424        0.40E-02   -0.80E-02
     25600   -0.49994574       -0.50567961        0.57E-02   -0.11E-01
    102400   -0.12558214       -0.12625784        0.68E-03   -0.54E-02
    409600   -0.46687285       -0.46555045        0.13E-02   -0.28E-02
  Estimate the Stratonovich integral of W(t) dW over [0,1].
                                                 Abs          Rel
         N        Exact        Estimate          Error        Error
       100    0.19885078        0.25183686        0.53E-01    0.27    
       400    0.92485014E-02    0.17883905E-01    0.86E-02    0.93    
      1600     2.8490694         2.8699130        0.21E-01    0.73E-02
      6400    0.51811392E-01    0.56285076E-01    0.45E-02    0.86E-01
     25600     1.1052669         1.1005340        0.47E-02    0.43E-02
    102400    0.69697521        0.69694422        0.31E-04    0.44E-04
    409600    0.32536627        0.32389391        0.15E-02    0.45E-02
  Normal end of execution.
22 September 2012  12:28:47.018 PM