22 August    2011   4:03:20.154 PM      
 PITCON test problem
 Freudenstein-Roth function
 2 equations, 3 variables.
 This is run number            1
 PITCON is free to choose parameterization.
 No limit points are sought.
 Step  Type of point     X(1)         X(2)         X(3)
   0  Start point      15.0000      -2.00000       0.00000    
 University of Pittsburgh continuation code
 Last modified on 09 September 1994
 This version uses LAPACK for linear algebra.
 This version uses double precision arithmetic.
   1  Corrected        15.0000      -2.00000       0.00000    
   2  Continuation     14.7105      -1.94205      0.653814E-01
   3  Continuation     14.2846      -1.72915      0.268744    
   4  Continuation     16.9061      -1.20941      0.546845    
   5  Continuation     24.9178     -0.599069      0.555138    
   6  Continuation     34.8980     -0.405200E-01  0.353314    
   7  Continuation     44.8808      0.487806      0.594444E-01
   8  Continuation     54.8606       1.09476     -0.304456    
   9  Continuation     61.3809       1.81338     -0.624496    
  10  Continuation    -48.5972       4.67856       2.87995    
  11  Target point     5.00000       4.00000       1.00000    
 We have reached the point we wanted.
 The code may stop now.
 This is run number            2
 The user fixes the parameterization.
 No limit points are sought.
 Step  Type of point     X(1)         X(2)         X(3)
   0  Start point      15.0000      -2.00000       0.00000    
 University of Pittsburgh continuation code
 Last modified on 09 September 1994
 This version uses LAPACK for linear algebra.
 This version uses double precision arithmetic.
   1  Corrected        15.0000      -2.00000       0.00000    
   2  Continuation     14.7407      -1.94890      0.578825E-01
   3  Continuation     14.2963      -1.77723      0.227735    
   4  Continuation     15.8338      -1.33743      0.504570    
   5  Continuation     18.6039      -1.04741      0.578437    
   6  Continuation     29.5771     -0.327668      0.476341    
   7  Continuation     40.0071      0.227762      0.211791    
   8  Continuation     49.5624      0.752615     -0.101854    
   9  Continuation     57.9488       1.34333     -0.437080    
  10  Continuation     60.8565       2.25880     -0.686030    
  11  Continuation     55.6686       2.70414     -0.589661    
  12  Continuation     40.7916       3.27084     -0.169093    
  13  Continuation     29.3855       3.55244      0.189747    
  14  Continuation     18.4706       3.77123      0.546943    
  15  Continuation     7.78375       3.95562      0.905475    
  16  Continuation    -2.76866       4.11736       1.26589    
  17  Target point     5.00000       4.00000       1.00000    
 We have reached the point we wanted.
 The code may stop now.
 This is run number            3
 PITCON is free to choose parameterization.
 Seek limit points in index            1
 Step  Type of point     X(1)         X(2)         X(3)
   0  Start point      15.0000      -2.00000       0.00000    
 University of Pittsburgh continuation code
 Last modified on 09 September 1994
 This version uses LAPACK for linear algebra.
 This version uses double precision arithmetic.
   1  Corrected        15.0000      -2.00000       0.00000    
   2  Continuation     14.7105      -1.94205      0.653814E-01
   3  Continuation     14.2846      -1.72915      0.268744    
   4  Limit point      14.2831      -1.74138      0.258577    
   5  Continuation     16.9061      -1.20941      0.546845    
   6  Continuation     24.9178     -0.599069      0.555138    
   7  Continuation     34.8980     -0.405200E-01  0.353314    
   8  Continuation     44.8808      0.487806      0.594444E-01
   9  Continuation     54.8606       1.09476     -0.304456    
  10  Continuation     61.3809       1.81338     -0.624496    
  11  Continuation    -48.5972       4.67856       2.87995    
  12  Target point     5.00000       4.00000       1.00000    
 We have reached the point we wanted.
 The code may stop now.
 This is run number            4
 The user fixes the parameterization.
 Seek limit points in index            1
 Step  Type of point     X(1)         X(2)         X(3)
   0  Start point      15.0000      -2.00000       0.00000    
 University of Pittsburgh continuation code
 Last modified on 09 September 1994
 This version uses LAPACK for linear algebra.
 This version uses double precision arithmetic.
   1  Corrected        15.0000      -2.00000       0.00000    
   2  Continuation     14.7407      -1.94890      0.578825E-01
   3  Continuation     14.2963      -1.77723      0.227735    
   4  Continuation     15.8338      -1.33743      0.504570    
   5  Limit point      14.2831      -1.74138      0.258578    
   6  Continuation     18.6039      -1.04741      0.578437    
   7  Continuation     29.5771     -0.327668      0.476341    
   8  Continuation     40.0071      0.227762      0.211791    
   9  Continuation     49.5624      0.752615     -0.101854    
  10  Continuation     57.9488       1.34333     -0.437080    
  11  Continuation     60.8565       2.25880     -0.686030    
  12  Limit point      61.6694       1.98380     -0.663880    
  13  Continuation     55.6686       2.70414     -0.589661    
  14  Continuation     40.7916       3.27084     -0.169093    
  15  Continuation     29.3855       3.55244      0.189747    
  16  Continuation     18.4706       3.77123      0.546943    
  17  Continuation     7.78375       3.95562      0.905475    
  18  Continuation    -2.76866       4.11736       1.26589    
  19  Target point     5.00000       4.00000       1.00000    
 We have reached the point we wanted.
 The code may stop now.
 This is run number            5
 PITCON is free to choose parameterization.
 Seek limit points in index            3
 Step  Type of point     X(1)         X(2)         X(3)
   0  Start point      15.0000      -2.00000       0.00000    
 University of Pittsburgh continuation code
 Last modified on 09 September 1994
 This version uses LAPACK for linear algebra.
 This version uses double precision arithmetic.
   1  Corrected        15.0000      -2.00000       0.00000    
   2  Continuation     14.7105      -1.94205      0.653814E-01
   3  Continuation     14.2846      -1.72915      0.268744    
   4  Continuation     16.9061      -1.20941      0.546845    
   5  Continuation     24.9178     -0.599069      0.555138    
   6  Limit point      20.4871     -0.896712      0.587587    
   7  Continuation     34.8980     -0.405200E-01  0.353314    
   8  Continuation     44.8808      0.487806      0.594444E-01
   9  Continuation     54.8606       1.09476     -0.304456    
  10  Continuation     61.3809       1.81338     -0.624496    
  11  Continuation    -48.5972       4.67856       2.87995    
  12  Target point     5.00000       4.00000       1.00000    
 We have reached the point we wanted.
 The code may stop now.
 This is run number            6
 The user fixes the parameterization.
 Seek limit points in index            3
 Step  Type of point     X(1)         X(2)         X(3)
   0  Start point      15.0000      -2.00000       0.00000    
 University of Pittsburgh continuation code
 Last modified on 09 September 1994
 This version uses LAPACK for linear algebra.
 This version uses double precision arithmetic.
   1  Corrected        15.0000      -2.00000       0.00000    
   2  Continuation     14.7407      -1.94890      0.578825E-01
   3  Continuation     14.2963      -1.77723      0.227735    
   4  Continuation     15.8338      -1.33743      0.504570    
   5  Continuation     18.6039      -1.04741      0.578437    
   6  Continuation     29.5771     -0.327668      0.476341    
   7  Limit point      20.4862     -0.896777      0.587587    
   8  Continuation     40.0071      0.227762      0.211791    
   9  Continuation     49.5624      0.752615     -0.101854    
  10  Continuation     57.9488       1.34333     -0.437080    
  11  Continuation     60.8565       2.25880     -0.686030    
  12  Limit point      61.0205       2.23010     -0.686353    
  13  Continuation     55.6686       2.70414     -0.589661    
  14  Continuation     40.7916       3.27084     -0.169093    
  15  Continuation     29.3855       3.55244      0.189747    
  16  Continuation     18.4706       3.77123      0.546943    
  17  Continuation     7.78375       3.95562      0.905475    
  18  Continuation    -2.76866       4.11736       1.26589    
  19  Target point     5.00000       4.00000       1.00000    
 We have reached the point we wanted.
 The code may stop now.
 All tests completed.
22 August    2011   4:03:20.155 PM