21 November 2008 9:46:18.425 AM MATMUL An interactive demonstration of the speed of matrix multiplication. This is version 1.19 Last modified on 28 August 1999. This is the version for Mac/G5 The maximum matrix order allowed is N = 1100 Command? (Type H for help) This is the list of legal commands. H Help. List the legal commands. LDA=value Set leading dimension of arrays. M Multiply two matrices. N=value Assigns the size of the arrays. N=nlo,nhi,ninc Sets N=nlo, N=nlo+ninc, .... N=nlo,nhi,*nmult Sets N=nlo, N=nlo*nmult, .... NREP=nrep Sets the repetition factor. ORDER=name Chooses the algorithm. P Prints out current results. Q Quit. SHOW=name Include "name" in output. "name" = ORDER, LDA, N, CPU, OPS, MFLOPS, MACHINE, or LANGUAGE. If "name"=ALL, all items are shown. NOSHOW=name removes item from output list. Command? (Type H for help) Command? (Type H for help) N has been set to 100 Command? (Type H for help) The order has been set to ALL Command? (Type H for help) Order LDA N CPU Secs Ops MFLOPS Machine Language C4_IJK1100 100 0.072914 2000000 27.4296 Mac/G5 Fortran DIJK 1100 100 0.054000 2000000 37.0370 Mac/G5 Fortran IJK 1100 100 0.050858 2000000 39.3252 Mac/G5 Fortran IJUK 1100 100 0.027676 2000000 72.2648 Mac/G5 Fortran IKJ 1100 100 0.025367 2000000 78.8426 Mac/G5 Fortran IUJK 1100 100 0.015374 2000000 130.0900 Mac/G5 Fortran JIK 1100 100 0.032550 2000000 61.4439 Mac/G5 Fortran JKI 1100 100 0.024999 2000000 80.0032 Mac/G5 Fortran LIJK 1100 100 0.019684 2000000 101.6054 Mac/G5 Fortran MIJK 1100 100 0.000000 2000000 0.0000 Mac/G5 Fortran MKJI 1100 100 0.000000 2000000 0.0000 Mac/G5 Fortran MXMA 1100 100 0.000015 2000000********** Mac/G5 Fortran NIJK 1100 100 0.032426 2000000 61.6789 Mac/G5 Fortran NIJK461100 100 0.032435 2000000 61.6618 Mac/G5 Fortran SAXPYC1100 100 0.002244 2000000 891.2673 Mac/G5 Fortran SAXPYR1100 100 0.010006 2000000 199.8810 Mac/G5 Fortran SDOT 1100 100 0.004445 2000000 449.9482 Mac/G5 Fortran SGEMM 1100 100 0.000711 2000000 2812.8455 Mac/G5 Fortran SGEMMS1100 100 0.000015 2000000********** Mac/G5 Fortran SIJK 1100 100 0.033356 2000000 59.9592 Mac/G5 Fortran TAXPYC1100 100 0.009114 2000000 219.4420 Mac/G5 Fortran TAXPYR1100 100 0.025584 2000000 78.1739 Mac/G5 Fortran TDOT 1100 100 0.017345 2000000 115.3073 Mac/G5 Fortran TGEMM 1100 100 0.015670 2000000 127.6324 Mac/G5 Fortran UIJK 1100 100 0.021831 2000000 91.6127 Mac/G5 Fortran The matrix multiplication has been carried out. Command? (Type H for help) Command? (Type H for help) The order has been set to TDOT Command? (Type H for help) N has been set to 100 NHI has been set to 400 NMULT has been set to 2 Command? (Type H for help) Order LDA N CPU Secs Ops MFLOPS Machine Language TDOT 1100 100 0.017347 2000000 115.2935 Mac/G5 Fortran Order LDA N CPU Secs Ops MFLOPS Machine Language TDOT 1100 200 0.150251 16000000 106.4885 Mac/G5 Fortran Order LDA N CPU Secs Ops MFLOPS Machine Language TDOT 1100 400 1.630105 128000000 78.5226 Mac/G5 Fortran The matrix multiplication has been carried out. Command? (Type H for help) Command? (Type H for help) The order has been set to IJK Command? (Type H for help) N has been set to 50 NHI has been set to 400 NMULT has been set to 2 Command? (Type H for help) Order LDA N CPU Secs Ops MFLOPS Machine Language IJK 1100 50 0.003480 250000 71.8350 Mac/G5 Fortran Order LDA N CPU Secs Ops MFLOPS Machine Language IJK 1100 100 0.033911 2000000 58.9779 Mac/G5 Fortran Order LDA N CPU Secs Ops MFLOPS Machine Language IJK 1100 200 0.303830 16000000 52.6610 Mac/G5 Fortran Order LDA N CPU Secs Ops MFLOPS Machine Language IJK 1100 400 2.814587 128000000 45.4774 Mac/G5 Fortran The matrix multiplication has been carried out. Command? (Type H for help) Command? (Type H for help) The order has been set to KJI Command? (Type H for help) The repetition factor is now NREP = 5 Command? (Type H for help) N has been set to 100 Command? (Type H for help) Order LDA N CPU Secs Ops NREP MFLOPS Machine Language KJI 1100 100 0.123497 2000000 5 80.9733 Mac/G5 Fortran The matrix multiplication has been carried out. Command? (Type H for help) Command? (Type H for help) Type "Y" to confirm that you want to quit. MATMUL: Normal end of execution. 21 November 2008 9:46:24.321 AM