29 April     2007   6:16:19.000 AM      
  FORTRAN77 version.
  Solve a nonlinear boundary value problem:
  -d/dx (p(x) du/dx) + q(x)*u + u*u' = f(x)
  on an interval [xl,xr], with the values of
  u or u' specified at xl and xr.
 The equation is to be solved for
 X greater than XL =   0.
  and less than XR =   1.
 The boundary conditions are:
   At X=XL, U=  0.
   At X=XR, U'=  1.
  This is test problem #1:
  P(X) = 1, Q(X) = 0, F(X) = X.
  Boundary conditions: U(0) = 0, U'(1) = 1.
  The exact solution is U(X) = X
 Number of quadrature points per element is  1
 Number of iterations is  10
   Node      Location
     0   0.00000    
     1  0.100000    
     2  0.200000    
     3  0.300000    
     4  0.400000    
     5  0.500000    
     6  0.600000    
     7  0.700000    
     8  0.800000    
     9  0.900000    
    10   1.00000    
 Subint    Length
     1  0.100000    
     2  0.100000    
     3  0.100000E+00
     4  0.100000    
     5  0.100000E+00
     6  0.100000E+00
     7  0.100000E+00
     8  0.100000    
     9  0.100000E+00
    10  0.100000E+00
 Subint    Quadrature point
     1  0.500000E-01
     2  0.150000    
     3  0.250000    
     4  0.350000    
     5  0.450000    
     6  0.550000    
     7  0.650000    
     8  0.750000    
     9  0.850000    
    10  0.950000    
 Subint  Left Node  Right Node
     1     0     1
     2     1     2
     3     2     3
     4     3     4
     5     4     5
     6     5     6
     7     6     7
     8     7     8
     9     8     9
    10     9    10
   Node  Unknown
     0    -1
     1     1
     2     2
     3     3
     4     4
     5     5
     6     6
     7     7
     8     8
     9     9
    10    10
 Printout of tridiagonal linear system:
  1                 20.0000      -10.0000      0.100000E-01
  2  -10.0000       20.0000      -10.0000      0.200000E-01
  3  -10.0000       20.0000     -10.00000      0.300000E-01
  4 -10.00000       20.0000      -10.0000      0.400000E-01
  5  -10.0000       20.0000      -10.0000      0.500000E-01
  6  -10.0000       20.0000      -10.0000      0.600000E-01
  7  -10.0000       20.0000     -10.00000      0.700000E-01
  8 -10.00000       20.0000      -10.0000      0.800000E-01
  9  -10.0000       20.0000      -10.0000      0.900000E-01
 10  -10.0000       10.0000                     1.04750    
 Computed solution:
 Node    X(I)        U(X(I))
   0   0.00000       0.00000    
   1  0.100000      0.149750    
   2  0.200000      0.298500    
   3  0.300000      0.445250    
   4  0.400000      0.589000    
   5  0.500000      0.728750    
   6  0.600000      0.863500    
   7  0.700000      0.992250    
   8  0.800000       1.11400    
   9  0.900000       1.22775    
  10   1.00000       1.33250    
 Computed solution:
 Node    X(I)        U(X(I))
   0   0.00000       0.00000    
   1  0.100000      0.849454E-01
   2  0.200000      0.170164    
   3  0.300000      0.255932    
   4  0.400000      0.342534    
   5  0.500000      0.430266    
   6  0.600000      0.519437    
   7  0.700000      0.610377    
   8  0.800000      0.703436    
   9  0.900000      0.798989    
  10   1.00000      0.897438    
 Computed solution:
 Node    X(I)        U(X(I))
   0   0.00000       0.00000    
   1  0.100000      0.105202    
   2  0.200000      0.210298    
   3  0.300000      0.315181    
   4  0.400000      0.419746    
   5  0.500000      0.523887    
   6  0.600000      0.627501    
   7  0.700000      0.730483    
   8  0.800000      0.832732    
   9  0.900000      0.934149    
  10   1.00000       1.03464    
 Computed solution:
 Node    X(I)        U(X(I))
   0   0.00000       0.00000    
   1  0.100000      0.100039    
   2  0.200000      0.200077    
   3  0.300000      0.300111    
   4  0.400000      0.400140    
   5  0.500000      0.500163    
   6  0.600000      0.600179    
   7  0.700000      0.700189    
   8  0.800000      0.800194    
   9  0.900000      0.900195    
  10   1.00000       1.00020    
 Computed solution:
 Node    X(I)        U(X(I))
   0   0.00000       0.00000    
   1  0.100000      0.100000    
   2  0.200000      0.200000    
   3  0.300000      0.300000    
   4  0.400000      0.400000    
   5  0.500000      0.500000    
   6  0.600000      0.600000    
   7  0.700000      0.700000    
   8  0.800000      0.800000    
   9  0.900000      0.900000    
  10   1.00000       1.00000    
 Computed solution:
 Node    X(I)        U(X(I))
   0   0.00000       0.00000    
   1  0.100000      0.100000E+00
   2  0.200000      0.200000    
   3  0.300000      0.300000    
   4  0.400000      0.400000    
   5  0.500000      0.500000    
   6  0.600000      0.600000    
   7  0.700000      0.700000    
   8  0.800000      0.800000    
   9  0.900000      0.900000    
  10   1.00000      1.000000    
 Computed solution:
 Node    X(I)        U(X(I))
   0   0.00000       0.00000    
   1  0.100000      0.100000E+00
   2  0.200000      0.200000    
   3  0.300000      0.300000    
   4  0.400000      0.400000    
   5  0.500000      0.500000    
   6  0.600000      0.600000    
   7  0.700000      0.700000    
   8  0.800000      0.800000    
   9  0.900000      0.900000    
  10   1.00000      1.000000    
 Computed solution:
 Node    X(I)        U(X(I))
   0   0.00000       0.00000    
   1  0.100000      0.100000E+00
   2  0.200000      0.200000    
   3  0.300000      0.300000    
   4  0.400000      0.400000    
   5  0.500000      0.500000    
   6  0.600000      0.600000    
   7  0.700000      0.700000    
   8  0.800000      0.800000    
   9  0.900000      0.900000    
  10   1.00000       1.00000    
 Computed solution:
 Node    X(I)        U(X(I))
   0   0.00000       0.00000    
   1  0.100000      0.100000E+00
   2  0.200000      0.200000    
   3  0.300000      0.300000    
   4  0.400000      0.400000    
   5  0.500000      0.500000    
   6  0.600000      0.600000    
   7  0.700000      0.700000    
   8  0.800000      0.800000    
   9  0.900000      0.900000    
  10   1.00000       1.00000    
 Computed solution:
 Node    X(I)        U(X(I))
   0   0.00000       0.00000    
   1  0.100000      0.100000E+00
   2  0.200000      0.200000    
   3  0.300000      0.300000    
   4  0.400000      0.400000    
   5  0.500000      0.500000    
   6  0.600000      0.600000    
   7  0.700000      0.700000    
   8  0.800000      0.800000    
   9  0.900000      0.900000    
  10   1.00000       1.00000    
 Compare computed and exact solutions:
       X      Computed U      Exact U
   0.00000       0.00000       0.00000    
  0.125000      0.125000      0.125000    
  0.250000      0.250000      0.250000    
  0.375000      0.375000      0.375000    
  0.500000      0.500000      0.500000    
  0.625000      0.625000      0.625000    
  0.750000      0.750000      0.750000    
  0.875000      0.875000      0.875000    
   1.00000       1.00000       1.00000    
  Normal end of execution.
29 April     2007   6:16:19.000 AM