#  x37.txt
#  Reference:
#    F L Bauer,
#    Elimination with Weighted Row Combinations for Solving Linear
#    Equations and Least Squares Problems,
#    Numerische Mathematik, Volume 7, 1965, pages 338-352.
#    Helmut Spaeth,
#    Mathematical Algorithms for Linear Regression,
#    Academic Press, 1991,
#    ISBN 0-12-656460-4.
#  Discussion:
#    An example with a badly conditioned matrix.
#      A * X = B
#    A has maximal rank.
#    The exact solution by the method of least squares
#    is X = (0,0,0,0,0).
#    There are 6 rows of data.  The data include:
#      I,  the index;
#      A1, column 1;
#      A2, column 2;
#      A3, column 3;
#      A4, column 4;
#      A5, column 5;
#      B,  the right hand side.
#    We seek a model of the form:
#      B = A1 * X1 + A2 * X2 + A3 * X3 + A4 * X4 + A5 * X5
7 columns
6 rows
1  -74   80   18  -11  -4     -56
2   14  -69   21   28   0      52
3   66  -72   -5    7   1     764
4  -12   66  -30  -23   3    4096
5    3    8   -7   -4   1  -13276
6    4  -12    4    4   0    8421