#  file26.txt
#  Reference:
#    John Hartigan,
#    Clustering Algorithms,
#    Wiley, 1975.
#    ISBN 0-471-35645-X
#    LC: QA278.H36
#    Dewey: 519.5'3
#  "Country" is the country.
#  "Birth" and "Death" are the birth and death rates
#  per 1000 persons, per the Reader's Digest Almanac of 1966.
"Birth and Death Rates per 1000 Persons, Hartigan page 197"
3 columns
70 rows
"Country"      "Birth"  "Death"
"Algeria"             36.4  14.6
"Congo"               37.3   8.0
"Egypt"               42.1  15.3
"Ghana"               55.8  25.6 
"Ivory Coast"         56.1  33.1
"Malagasy"            41.8  15.8
"Morocco"             46.1  18.7
"Tunisia"             41.7  10.1
"Cambodia"            41.4  19.7
"Ceylon"              35.8   8.5
"China"               34.0  11.0
"Taiwan"              36.3   6.1
"Hong Kong"           32.1   5.5
"India"               20.9   8.8
"Indonesia"           27.7  10.2
"Iraq"                20.5   3.9
"Israel"              25.0   6.2
"Japan"               17.3   7.0
"Jordan"              46.3   6.4
"Korea"               14.8   5.7
"Malaysia"            33.5   6.4
"Mongolia"            39.2  11.2
"Philippines"         28.4   7.1
"Syria"               26.2   4.3
"Thailand"            34.8   7.9
"Vietnam"             23.4   5.1
"Canada"              24.8   7.8
"Costa Rica"          49.9   8.5
"Dominican Republic"  33.0   8.4
"Guatemala"           47.7  17.3
"Honduras"            46.6   9.7
"Mexico"              45.1  10.5
"Nicaragua"           42.9   7.1
"Panama"              40.1   8.0
"United States"       21.7   9.6
"Argentina"           21.8   8.1
"Bolivia"             17.4   5.8
"Brazil"              45.0  13.5
"Chile"               33.6  11.8
"Colombia"            44.0  11.7
"Ecuador"             44.2  13.5
"Peru"                27.7   8.2
"Uruguay"             22.5   7.8
"Venezuela"           42.8   6.7
"Austria"             18.8  12.8
"Belgium"             17.1  12.7
"Britain"             18.2  12.2
"Bulgaria"            16.4   8.2
"Czechoslovakia"      16.9   9.3
"Denmark"             17.6  19.8  (?)
"Finland"             18.1   9.2
"France"              18.2  11.7
"East Germany"        17.5  13.7
"West Germany"        18.5  11.4
"Greece"              17.4   7.8
"Hungary"             13.1   9.9
"Ireland"             22.3  11.9
"Italy"               19.0  10.2
"Netherlands"         20.9   8.0
"Norway"              17.5  10.0
"Poland"              19.0   7.5
"Portugal"            23.5  10.8
"Romania"             15.7   8.3
"Spain"               21.5   9.1
"Sweden"              14.8  10.1
"Switzerland"         18.9   9.6
"USSR"                21.2   7.2
"Yugoslavia"          21.4   8.9
"Australia"           21.6   8.7
"New Zealand"         25.5   8.8