02 October 2008 04:34:37 PM TGA_IO_PRB C++ version Simple tests of the TGA_IO library. The TGA_BYTE_SWAP option being used is 1 TEST01: TGA_READ can read a TGA file. Here, we read the file "earth.tga". ID_LENGTH = 0 COLOR_MAP_TYPE = 0 IMAGE_TYPE = 2 COLOR_MAP_ORIGIN = 0 COLOR_MAP_LENGTH = 0 COLOR_MAP_ENTRY_SIZE = 0 IMAGE_X_ORIGIN = 0 IMAGE_Y_ORIGIN = 0 IMAGE_WIDTH = 512 IMAGE_HEIGHT= 512 IMAGE_PIXEL_DEPTH = 24 IMAGE_DESCRIPTOR = 0 IMAGE_ID = "NULL" TEST01: TGA_READ can read a TGA file. Here, we read the file "shuttle.tga". This program can't read IMAGE_TYPE 10 files. ID_LENGTH = 0 COLOR_MAP_TYPE = 0 IMAGE_TYPE = 10 COLOR_MAP_ORIGIN = 0 COLOR_MAP_LENGTH = 0 COLOR_MAP_ENTRY_SIZE = 0 IMAGE_X_ORIGIN = 0 IMAGE_Y_ORIGIN = 0 IMAGE_WIDTH = 640 IMAGE_HEIGHT= 480 IMAGE_PIXEL_DEPTH = 24 IMAGE_DESCRIPTOR = 0 IMAGE_ID = "NULL" TEST02: TGA_WRITE can write a TGA file. Call TGA_READ to read "earth.tga". ID_LENGTH = 0 COLOR_MAP_TYPE = 0 IMAGE_TYPE = 2 COLOR_MAP_ORIGIN = 0 COLOR_MAP_LENGTH = 0 COLOR_MAP_ENTRY_SIZE = 0 IMAGE_X_ORIGIN = 0 IMAGE_Y_ORIGIN = 0 IMAGE_WIDTH = 512 IMAGE_HEIGHT= 512 IMAGE_PIXEL_DEPTH = 24 IMAGE_DESCRIPTOR = 0 IMAGE_ID = "NULL" Now write the data to "earth_copy.tga". TGA_IO_PRB: Normal end of execution. 02 October 2008 04:34:37 PM