18 August 2018 10:11:34 PM FSU_CVT_TEST Call a simple set of test problems for the C++ FSU_CVT routines. CVT_TEST01 FSU_CVT computes a Centroidal Voronoi Tessellation. Spatial dimension DIM_NUM = 2 Number of points N = 10 Initial SEED_INIT = 123456789 Current SEED = 878651545 Max iterations IT_MAX = 40 Iterations IT_NUM = 40 Samples SAMPLE_NUM = 10000 Sampling BATCH size = 1000 EPSILON (unit roundoff) = 2.22045e-16 Generators (rows): Row: 1 2 Col 1 0.177221 0.881571 2 0.837556 0.827059 3 0.515287 0.50184 4 0.507924 0.167342 5 0.17998 0.630281 6 0.175928 0.375518 7 0.512095 0.837544 8 0.8305 0.167848 9 0.832437 0.49591 10 0.168871 0.121883 CVT_TEST02 FSU_CVT computes a Centroidal Voronoi Tessellation. Repeat test 1, but with twice the number of iterations. Spatial dimension DIM_NUM = 2 Number of points N = 10 Initial SEED_INIT = 123456789 Current SEED = 343175222 Max iterations IT_MAX = 80 Iterations IT_NUM = 80 Samples SAMPLE_NUM = 10000 Sampling BATCH size = 1000 EPSILON (unit roundoff) = 2.22045e-16 Generators (rows): Row: 1 2 Col 1 0.165613 0.88107 2 0.839858 0.824262 3 0.517269 0.510056 4 0.512253 0.168433 5 0.18206 0.631697 6 0.183971 0.377948 7 0.51091 0.847692 8 0.834976 0.161121 9 0.838384 0.491932 10 0.161762 0.123829 CVT_TEST03 FSU_CVT computes a Centroidal Voronoi Tessellation. Repeat test 1, but with 100 times the sample points. Spatial dimension DIM_NUM = 2 Number of points N = 10 Initial SEED_INIT = 123456789 Current SEED = 1282315487 Max iterations IT_MAX = 40 Iterations IT_NUM = 40 Samples SAMPLE_NUM = 1000000 Sampling BATCH size = 1000 EPSILON (unit roundoff) = 2.22045e-16 Generators (rows): Row: 1 2 Col 1 0.168348 0.878131 2 0.835356 0.834497 3 0.522646 0.495763 4 0.504354 0.163497 5 0.182525 0.627963 6 0.181252 0.37407 7 0.507305 0.832846 8 0.833868 0.168015 9 0.84306 0.503669 10 0.16697 0.122596 CVT_TEST04 FSU_CVT computes a Centroidal Voronoi Tessellation. Repeat test 1, but with Halton sampling. Spatial dimension DIM_NUM = 2 Number of points N = 10 Initial SEED_INIT = 123456789 Current SEED = 29642052 Max iterations IT_MAX = 40 Iterations IT_NUM = 40 Samples SAMPLE_NUM = 10000 Sampling BATCH size = 1000 EPSILON (unit roundoff) = 2.22045e-16 Generators (rows): Row: 1 2 Col 1 0.168423 0.877673 2 0.834415 0.8345 3 0.523113 0.496708 4 0.504477 0.164092 5 0.181816 0.627303 6 0.181405 0.37413 7 0.506539 0.833295 8 0.833916 0.167607 9 0.843147 0.502631 10 0.167289 0.122778 CVT_TEST05 FSU_CVT computes a Centroidal Voronoi Tessellation. Repeat test 1, but with grid sampling. Spatial dimension DIM_NUM = 2 Number of points N = 10 Initial SEED_INIT = 123456789 Current SEED = 29642052 Max iterations IT_MAX = 40 Iterations IT_NUM = 40 Samples SAMPLE_NUM = 10000 Sampling BATCH size = 1000 EPSILON (unit roundoff) = 2.22045e-16 Generators (rows): Row: 1 2 Col 1 0.168405 0.877954 2 0.835 0.835 3 0.521436 0.496652 4 0.505149 0.163885 5 0.181755 0.627263 6 0.181448 0.372936 7 0.506241 0.833254 8 0.834008 0.168066 9 0.841564 0.503507 10 0.167071 0.122429 CVT_TEST06 FSU_CVT computes a Centroidal Voronoi Tessellation. Repeat test 1, but with C++ RANDOM sampling. Spatial dimension DIM_NUM = 2 Number of points N = 10 Initial SEED_INIT = 123456789 Current SEED = 30042052 Max iterations IT_MAX = 40 Iterations IT_NUM = 40 Samples SAMPLE_NUM = 10000 Sampling BATCH size = 1000 EPSILON (unit roundoff) = 2.22045e-16 Generators (rows): Row: 1 2 Col 1 0.170612 0.880421 2 0.832395 0.833779 3 0.516845 0.492881 4 0.502861 0.164043 5 0.183435 0.628353 6 0.183389 0.374616 7 0.502538 0.830244 8 0.836845 0.16781 9 0.845672 0.505814 10 0.167486 0.122845 CVT_TEST07 FSU_CVT computes a Centroidal Voronoi Tessellation. Repeat test 1 with a different seed. Spatial dimension DIM_NUM = 2 Number of points N = 10 Initial SEED_INIT = 987654321 Current SEED = 1047111519 Max iterations IT_MAX = 40 Iterations IT_NUM = 40 Samples SAMPLE_NUM = 10000 Sampling BATCH size = 1000 EPSILON (unit roundoff) = 2.22045e-16 Generators (rows): Row: 1 2 Col 1 0.833068 0.836707 2 0.499362 0.522698 3 0.122098 0.170059 4 0.499436 0.846036 5 0.374483 0.183824 6 0.881976 0.180629 7 0.628776 0.179369 8 0.83569 0.513866 9 0.160909 0.834702 10 0.167995 0.510114 CVT_TEST08 FSU_CVT computes a Centroidal Voronoi Tessellation. Repeat test 1 with a different batch size. Spatial dimension DIM_NUM = 2 Number of points N = 10 Initial SEED_INIT = 123456789 Current SEED = 878651545 Max iterations IT_MAX = 40 Iterations IT_NUM = 40 Samples SAMPLE_NUM = 10000 Sampling BATCH size = 5 EPSILON (unit roundoff) = 2.22045e-16 Generators (rows): Row: 1 2 Col 1 0.177221 0.881571 2 0.837556 0.827059 3 0.515287 0.50184 4 0.507924 0.167342 5 0.17998 0.630281 6 0.175928 0.375518 7 0.512095 0.837544 8 0.8305 0.167848 9 0.832437 0.49591 10 0.168871 0.121883 CVT_TEST09 FSU_CVT computes a Centroidal Voronoi Tessellation. Compute 100 points in 3D. Spatial dimension DIM_NUM = 3 Number of points N = 100 Initial SEED_INIT = 123456789 Current SEED = 1707197995 Max iterations IT_MAX = 40 Iterations IT_NUM = 40 Samples SAMPLE_NUM = 10000 Sampling BATCH size = 1000 EPSILON (unit roundoff) = 2.22045e-16 First 10 Generators (rows): Row: 1 2 3 Col 1 0.351377 0.914543 0.887342 2 0.442049 0.326834 0.0766195 3 0.344176 0.126858 0.0970615 4 0.708074 0.13077 0.625162 5 0.486658 0.738148 0.867735 6 0.121716 0.915644 0.382635 7 0.0944656 0.107437 0.894845 8 0.864948 0.08426 0.103335 9 0.345125 0.917712 0.0920808 10 0.383596 0.912549 0.303727 CVT_TEST10 FSU_CVT computes a Centroidal Voronoi Tessellation. In this test, we initialize the generators to grid points; this is an unstable CVT solution. Initial generators (rows): Row: 1 2 Col 1 0.125 0.125 2 0.125 0.375 3 0.125 0.625 4 0.125 0.875 5 0.375 0.125 6 0.375 0.375 7 0.375 0.625 8 0.375 0.875 9 0.625 0.125 10 0.625 0.375 11 0.625 0.625 12 0.625 0.875 13 0.875 0.125 14 0.875 0.375 15 0.875 0.625 16 0.875 0.875 Spatial dimension DIM_NUM = 2 Number of points N = 16 Initial SEED_INIT = 123456789 Current SEED = 2115448041 Max iterations IT_MAX = 40 Iterations IT_NUM = 40 Samples SAMPLE_NUM = 1000 Sampling BATCH size = 1000 EPSILON (unit roundoff) = 2.22045e-16 Generators (rows): Row: 1 2 Col 1 0.124407 0.131737 2 0.131095 0.399531 3 0.11756 0.641729 4 0.137583 0.894953 5 0.360939 0.11324 6 0.37763 0.310748 7 0.369431 0.567716 8 0.383183 0.864456 9 0.604839 0.137584 10 0.607581 0.387287 11 0.623353 0.630739 12 0.623385 0.882404 13 0.872884 0.117162 14 0.867112 0.360631 15 0.866551 0.602682 16 0.864296 0.865609 CVT_TEST12 The "random" initialization option calls the system random number generator. There is some question about whether this works correctly. The test is as follows: CVT call #1: DIM_NUM = 2 N = 10 INIT = -1 IT_MAX = 0 SEED = 100000 Print output values of SEED and R #1. CVT call #2: (jump SEED) DIM_NUM = 2 N = 10 INIT = -1 IT_MAX = 0 SEED = 200000. Print output values of SEED and R #2. CVT call #3: (restore SEED) DIM_NUM = 2 N = 10 INIT = -1 IT_MAX = 0 SEED_INIT = 100000 Print output values of SEED and R #3. We expect that: * the values of R #1 and R #2 differ; AND * the values of R #1 and R #3 agree. Spatial dimension DIM_NUM = 2 Number of points N = 10 Initial SEED = 100000 Current SEED = 100020 Max iterations IT_MAX = 0 Iterations IT_NUM = 0 Samples SAMPLE_NUM = 10000 Sampling BATCH size = 1000 EPSILON (unit roundoff) = 2.22045e-16 Generators (rows): Row: 1 2 Col 1 0.449336 0.548997 2 0.267292 0.288155 3 0.35526 0.935709 4 0.0591171 0.40781 5 0.59797 0.4028 6 0.417225 0.800425 7 0.159022 0.600914 8 0.76923 0.539666 9 0.73146 0.780752 10 0.792802 0.157785 Spatial dimension DIM_NUM = 2 Number of points N = 10 Initial SEED = 200000 Current SEED = 200020 Max iterations IT_MAX = 0 Iterations IT_NUM = 0 Samples SAMPLE_NUM = 10000 Sampling BATCH size = 1000 EPSILON (unit roundoff) = 2.22045e-16 Generators (rows): Row: 1 2 Col 1 0.424198 0.623509 2 0.0636918 0.606923 3 0.240961 0.905953 4 0.654925 0.851969 5 0.736904 0.349547 6 0.877892 0.149431 7 0.370646 0.253789 8 0.596071 0.142249 9 0.0251118 0.129828 10 0.660805 0.390051 Spatial dimension DIM_NUM = 2 Number of points N = 10 Initial SEED = 100000 Current SEED = 100020 Max iterations IT_MAX = 0 Iterations IT_NUM = 0 Samples SAMPLE_NUM = 10000 Sampling BATCH size = 1000 EPSILON (unit roundoff) = 2.22045e-16 Generators (rows): Row: 1 2 Col 1 0.449336 0.548997 2 0.267292 0.288155 3 0.35526 0.935709 4 0.0591171 0.40781 5 0.59797 0.4028 6 0.417225 0.800425 7 0.159022 0.600914 8 0.76923 0.539666 9 0.73146 0.780752 10 0.792802 0.157785 FSU_CVT_TEST Normal end of execution. 18 August 2018 10:11:45 PM