# include <math.h> # include <stdbool.h> # include <stdio.h> # include <stdlib.h> # include "vandermonde_interp_1d.h" # include "condition.h" # include "qr_solve.h" # include "test_interp.h" # include "r8lib.h" int main ( ); void vandermonde_coef_1d_test ( ); void vandermonde_matrix_1d_test ( ); void vandermonde_value_1d_test ( ); void test01 ( int prob ); void test02 ( int prob ); /******************************************************************************/ int main ( ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: MAIN is the main program for VANDERMONDE_INTERP_1D_TEST. Discussion: VANDERMONDE_INTERP_1D_TEST tests the VANDERMONDE_INTERP_1D library. Licensing: This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. Modified: 04 July 2015 Author: John Burkardt */ { int prob; int prob_num; timestamp ( ); printf ( "\n" ); printf ( "VANDERMONDE_INTERP_1D_TEST:\n" ); printf ( " C version\n" ); printf ( " Test the VANDERMONDE_INTERP_1D library.\n" ); printf ( " The QR_SOLVE library is needed.\n" ); printf ( " The R8LIB library is needed.\n" ); printf ( " This test needs the CONDITION library.\n" ); printf ( " This test needs the TEST_INTERP library.\n" ); vandermonde_coef_1d_test ( ); vandermonde_matrix_1d_test ( ); vandermonde_value_1d_test ( ); prob_num = p00_prob_num ( ); for ( prob = 1; prob <= prob_num; prob++ ) { test01 ( prob ); } for ( prob = 1; prob <= prob_num; prob++ ) { test02 ( prob ); } /* Terminate. */ printf ( "\n" ); printf ( "VANDERMONDE_INTERP_1D_TEST:\n" ); printf ( " Normal end of execution.\n" ); printf ( "\n" ); timestamp ( ); return 0; } /******************************************************************************/ void vandermonde_coef_1d_test ( ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: VANDERMONDE_COEF_1D_TEST tests VANDERMONDE_COEF_1D. Licensing: This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. Modified: 04 July 2015 Author: John Burkardt */ { double *cd; int nd = 5; double xd[5] = { 0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 }; double yd[5] = { 24.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 }; printf ( "\n" ); printf ( "VANDERMONDE_COEF_1D_TEST\n" ); printf ( " VANDERMONDE_COEF_1D sets the Vandermonde coefficients for 1D interpolation.\n" ); r8vec2_print ( nd, xd, yd, " Interpolation data:" ); cd = vandermonde_coef_1d ( nd, xd, yd ); r8vec_print ( nd, cd, " Vandermonde interpolant coefficients:" ); r8poly_print ( nd - 1, cd, " Vandermonde interpolant polynomial:" ); free ( cd ); return; } /******************************************************************************/ void vandermonde_matrix_1d_test ( ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: VANDERMONDE_MATRIX_1D_TEST tests VANDERMONDE_MATRIX_1D. Licensing: This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. Modified: 04 July 2015 Author: John Burkardt */ { double *ad; int nd = 4; double xd[4] = { -1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 5.0 }; printf ( "\n" ); printf ( "VANDERMONDE_MATRIX_1D_TEST\n" ); printf ( " VANDERMONDE_MATRIX_1D sets the Vandermonde matrix for 1D interpolation.\n" ); ad = vandermonde_matrix_1d ( nd, xd ); r8mat_print ( nd, nd, ad, " Vandermonde matrix:" ); free ( ad ); return; } /******************************************************************************/ void vandermonde_value_1d_test ( ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: VANDERMONDE_VALUE_1D_TEST tests VANDERMONDE_VALUE_1D. Licensing: This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. Modified: 03 July 2015 Author: John Burkardt */ { double cd[5] = { 24.0, -50.0, +35.0, -10.0, 1.0 }; int nd = 5; int ni = 16; double x_hi; double x_lo; double *xi; double *yi; printf ( "\n" ); printf ( "VANDERMONDE_VALUE_1D_TEST\n" ); printf ( " VANDERMONDE_VALUE_1D evaluates a Vandermonde interpolant.\n" ); r8poly_print ( nd - 1, cd, " The polynomial:" ); x_lo = 0.0; x_hi = 5.0; xi = r8vec_linspace_new ( ni, x_lo, x_hi ); yi = vandermonde_value_1d ( nd, cd, ni, xi ); r8vec2_print ( ni, xi, yi, " X, P(X):" ); free ( xi ); free ( yi ); return; } /******************************************************************************/ void test01 ( int prob ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: TEST01 tests VANDERMONDE_INTERP_1D. Licensing: This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. Modified: 06 October 2012 Author: John Burkardt */ { double *ad; int debug = 0; double *cd; double condition; int i; double int_error; double ld; double li; int nd; int ni; double *xd; double *xi; double xmax; double xmin; double *xy; double *yd; double *yi; double ymax; double ymin; printf ( "\n" ); printf ( "TEST01:\n" ); printf ( " Interpolate data from TEST_INTERP problem #%d\n", prob ); nd = p00_data_num ( prob ); printf ( " Number of data points = %d\n", nd ); xy = p00_data ( prob, 2, nd ); if ( debug ) { r8mat_transpose_print ( 2, nd, xy, " Data array:" ); } xd = ( double * ) malloc ( nd * sizeof ( double ) ); yd = ( double * ) malloc ( nd * sizeof ( double ) ); for ( i = 0; i < nd; i++ ) { xd[i] = xy[0+i*2]; yd[i] = xy[1+i*2]; } /* Compute Vandermonde matrix and get condition number. */ ad = vandermonde_matrix_1d ( nd, xd ); condition = condition_hager ( nd, ad ); printf ( "\n" ); printf ( " Condition of Vandermonde matrix is %g\n", condition ); /* Solve linear system. */ cd = qr_solve ( nd, nd, ad, yd ); /* #1: Does interpolant match function at interpolation points? */ ni = nd; xi = r8vec_copy_new ( ni, xd ); yi = vandermonde_value_1d ( nd, cd, ni, xi ); int_error = r8vec_norm_affine ( ni, yi, yd ) / ( double ) ( ni ); printf ( "\n" ); printf ( " L2 interpolation error averaged per interpolant node = %g\n", int_error ); free ( xi ); free ( yi ); /* #2: Compare estimated curve length to piecewise linear (minimal) curve length. Assume data is sorted, and normalize X and Y dimensions by (XMAX-XMIN) and (YMAX-YMIN). */ xmin = r8vec_min ( nd, xd ); xmax = r8vec_max ( nd, xd ); ymin = r8vec_min ( nd, yd ); ymax = r8vec_max ( nd, yd ); ni = 501; xi = r8vec_linspace_new ( ni, xmin, xmax ); yi = vandermonde_value_1d ( nd, cd, ni, xi ); ld = 0.0; for ( i = 0; i < nd - 1; i++ ) { ld = ld + sqrt ( pow ( ( xd[i+1] - xd[i] ) / ( xmax - xmin ), 2 ) + pow ( ( yd[i+1] - yd[i] ) / ( ymax - ymin ), 2 ) ); } li = 0.0; for ( i = 0; i < ni - 1; i++ ) { li = li + sqrt ( pow ( ( xi[i+1] - xi[i] ) / ( xmax - xmin ), 2 ) + pow ( ( yi[i+1] - yi[i] ) / ( ymax - ymin ), 2 ) ); } printf ( "\n" ); printf ( " Normalized length of piecewise linear interpolant = %g\n", ld ); printf ( " Normalized length of polynomial interpolant = %g\n", li ); free ( ad ); free ( cd ); free ( xd ); free ( xi ); free ( xy ); free ( yd ); free ( yi ); return; } /******************************************************************************/ void test02 ( int prob ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: TEST02 tests VANDERMONDE_INTERP_1D. Licensing: This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. Modified: 04 July 2015 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, int PROB, the problem index. */ { double *ad; double *cd; char command_filename[255]; FILE *command_unit; char data_filename[255]; FILE *data_unit; int i; char interp_filename[255]; FILE *interp_unit; int j; int nd; int ni; char output_filename[255]; double *xd; double *xi; double *xy; double xmax; double xmin; double *yd; double *yi; printf ( "\n" ); printf ( "TEST02:\n" ); printf ( " VANDERMONDE_INTERP_1D_MATRIX sets the Vandermonde linear system for the\n" ); printf ( " interpolating polynomial.\n" ); printf ( " Interpolate data from TEST_INTERP problem #%d\n", prob ); nd = p00_data_num ( prob ); printf ( " Number of data points = %d\n", nd ); xy = p00_data ( prob, 2, nd ); r8mat_transpose_print ( 2, nd, xy, " Data array:" ); xd = ( double * ) malloc ( nd * sizeof ( double ) ); yd = ( double * ) malloc ( nd * sizeof ( double ) ); for ( i = 0; i < nd; i++ ) { xd[i] = xy[0+2*i]; yd[i] = xy[1+2*i]; } /* Set up the Vandermonde matrix AD. */ ad = vandermonde_matrix_1d ( nd, xd ); /* Solve the linear system for the polynomial coefficients C. */ cd = qr_solve ( nd, nd, ad, yd ); /* Create data file. */ sprintf ( data_filename, "data%02d.txt", prob ); data_unit = fopen ( data_filename, "wt" ); for ( j = 0; j < nd; j++ ) { fprintf ( data_unit, " %14g %14g\n", xd[j], yd[j] ); } fclose ( data_unit ); printf ( "\n" ); printf ( " Created graphics data file \"%s\".\n", data_filename ); /* Create interp file. */ ni = 501; xmin = r8vec_min ( nd, xd ); xmax = r8vec_max ( nd, xd ); xi = r8vec_linspace_new ( ni, xmin, xmax ); yi = vandermonde_value_1d ( nd, cd, ni, xi ); sprintf ( interp_filename, "interp%02d.txt", prob ); interp_unit = fopen ( interp_filename, "wt" ); for ( j = 0; j < ni; j++ ) { fprintf ( interp_unit, " %g %g\n", xi[j], yi[j] ); } fclose ( interp_unit ); printf ( " Created graphics interp file \"%s\".\n", interp_filename ); /* Plot the data and the interpolant. */ sprintf ( command_filename, "commands%02d.txt", prob ); command_unit = fopen ( command_filename, "wt" ); sprintf ( output_filename, "plot%02d.png", prob ); fprintf ( command_unit, "# %s\n", command_filename ); fprintf ( command_unit, "#\n" ); fprintf ( command_unit, "# Usage:\n" ); fprintf ( command_unit, "# gnuplot < %s\n", command_filename ); fprintf ( command_unit, "#\n" ); fprintf ( command_unit, "set term png\n" ); fprintf ( command_unit, "set output '%s'\n", output_filename ); fprintf ( command_unit, "set xlabel '<---X--->'\n" ); fprintf ( command_unit, "set ylabel '<---Y--->'\n" ); fprintf ( command_unit, "set title 'Data versus Vandermonde polynomial interpolant'\n" ); fprintf ( command_unit, "set grid\n" ); fprintf ( command_unit, "set style data lines\n" ); fprintf ( command_unit, "plot '%s' using 1:2 with points pt 7 ps 2 lc rgb 'blue',\\\n", data_filename ); fprintf ( command_unit, " '%s' using 1:2 lw 3 linecolor rgb 'red'\n", interp_filename ); fclose ( command_unit ); printf ( " Created graphics command file \"%s\".\n", command_filename ); /* Free memory. */ free ( ad ); free ( cd ); free ( xd ); free ( xi ); free ( xy ); free ( yd ); free ( yi ); return; }