24 January 2017 03:19:55 PM

  C version
  Test the TABLE_IO library.

  R8MAT_WRITE writes an R8MAT file.

  Spatial dimension M = 5
  Number of points N  = 20

  5x5 portion of the data written to file:

  Col:          0             1             2             3             4     

    0:            10.1            20.1            30.1            40.1            50.1
    1:            10.2            20.2            30.2            40.2            50.2
    2:            10.3            20.3            30.3            40.3            50.3
    3:            10.4            20.4            30.4            40.4            50.4
    4:            10.5            20.5            30.5            40.5            50.5

  5x5 portion of the TRANSPOSED data:

  Row:        1             2             3             4             5     

    1       10.100000       10.200000       10.300000       10.400000       10.500000
    2       20.100000       20.200000       20.300000       20.400000       20.500000
    3       30.100000       30.200000       30.300000       30.400000       30.500000
    4       40.100000       40.200000       40.300000       40.400000       40.500000
    5       50.100000       50.200000       50.300000       50.400000       50.500000

  Wrote the header and data for "r8mat_05_00020.txt".

  For an R8MAT file,
  R8MAT_HEADER_READ reads the header
  (Information about the dimension of the data)
  R8MAT_DATA_READ reads the data.

  Read the header of "r8mat_05_00020.txt".

  Spatial dimension M = 5
  Number of points N  = 20

  Read the data in "r8mat_05_00020.txt".

  5x5 portion of data read from file:

  Col:          0             1             2             3             4     

    0:            10.1            20.1            30.1            40.1            50.1
    1:            10.2            20.2            30.2            40.2            50.2
    2:            10.3            20.3            30.3            40.3            50.3
    3:            10.4            20.4            30.4            40.4            50.4
    4:            10.5            20.5            30.5            40.5            50.5

  I4MAT_WRITE writes an I4MAT file.

  Spatial dimension M = 5
  Number of points N  = 20

  5 x 5 portion of data written to file:

  Col:       1       2       3       4       5

    1     101     201     301     401     501
    2     102     202     302     402     502
    3     103     203     303     403     503
    4     104     204     304     404     504
    5     105     205     305     405     505

  Wrote the header and data for "i4mat_05_00020.txt".

  For an I4MAT file,
  I4MAT_HEADER_READ reads the header
  (Information about the dimension of the data)
  I4MAT_DATA_READ reads the data.

  Read the header of "i4mat_05_00020.txt".

  Spatial dimension M = 5
  Number of points N  = 20

  Read the data in "i4mat_05_00020.txt".

  5x5 portion of data read from file:

  Col:       1       2       3       4       5

    1     101     201     301     401     501
    2     102     202     302     402     502
    3     103     203     303     403     503
    4     104     204     304     404     504
    5     105     205     305     405     505

  R8MAT_UNIFORM_01 sets a random R8MAT.

  Spatial dimension M = 2
  Number of points N =  10

  5x10 portion of random real table dataset:

  Col:          0             1             2             3             4     

    0:        0.218418        0.829509        0.415307        0.257578        0.043829
    1:        0.956318        0.561695       0.0661187        0.109957        0.633966

  Col:          5             6             7             8             9     

    0:       0.0617272        0.401306        0.797287        0.897504       0.0945448
    1:        0.449539        0.754673      0.00183837        0.350752       0.0136169

  I4MAT_BORDER_CUT cuts off the border;
  I4MAT_BORDER_ADD adds a zero border;

  Spatial dimension M = 6
  Number of points N =  4

  Initial dataset:

  Col:       1       2       3       4

    1      11      12      13      14
    2      21      22      23      24
    3      31      32      33      34
    4      41      42      43      44
    5      51      52      53      54
    6      61      62      63      64

  'Cut' dataset:

  Col:       1       2

    1      22      23
    2      32      33
    3      42      43
    4      52      53

  'Added' dataset:

  Col:       1       2       3       4

    1       0       0       0       0
    2       0      22      23       0
    3       0      32      33       0
    4       0      42      43       0
    5       0      52      53       0
    6       0       0       0       0

  Normal end of execution.

24 January 2017 03:19:55 PM