15 January 2017 10:58:25 AM

  C version
  Test the ELLIPSE_GRID library.

  ELLIPSE_GRID can define a grid of points
  with N+1 points on the minor half axis,
  based on any ellipse.

  We use N = 8
  Radius R = (2,1)
  Center C = (1,2)

  Number of grid points will be 455

  Part of the grid point array:

         0:              1               2
         1:        1.11765               2
         2:       0.882353               2
         3:        1.23529               2
         4:       0.764706               2
         5:        1.35294               2
         6:       0.647059               2
         7:        1.47059               2
         8:       0.529412               2
         9:        1.58824               2
        10:       0.411765               2
        11:        1.70588               2
        12:       0.294118               2
        13:        1.82353               2
        14:       0.176471               2
        15:        1.94118               2
        16:      0.0588235               2
        17:        2.05882               2
  ........  ..............  ..............
       454:       0.411765         1.05882

  Data written to the file "ellipse_grid_test01.xy".

  Normal end of execution.

15 January 2017 10:58:25 AM