# include <stdlib.h>
# include <stdio.h>
# include <math.h>
# include <time.h>

# include "asa159.h"


int i4_max ( int i1, int i2 )


    I4_MAX returns the maximum of two I4's.


    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.


    29 August 2006


    John Burkardt


    Input, int I1, I2, are two integers to be compared.

    Output, int I4_MAX, the larger of I1 and I2.
  int value;

  if ( i2 < i1 )
    value = i1;
    value = i2;
  return value;

int i4_min ( int i1, int i2 )


    I4_MIN returns the smaller of two I4's.


    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.


    29 August 2006


    John Burkardt


    Input, int I1, I2, two integers to be compared.

    Output, int I4_MIN, the smaller of I1 and I2.
  int value;

  if ( i1 < i2 )
    value = i1;
    value = i2;
  return value;

void i4mat_print ( int m, int n, int a[], char *title )


    I4MAT_PRINT prints an I4MAT.


    An I4MAT is an MxN array of I4's, stored by (I,J) -> [I+J*M].


    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.


    28 May 2008


    John Burkardt


    Input, int M, the number of rows in A.

    Input, int N, the number of columns in A.

    Input, int A[M*N], the M by N matrix.

    Input, char *TITLE, a title.
  i4mat_print_some ( m, n, a, 1, 1, m, n, title );


void i4mat_print_some ( int m, int n, int a[], int ilo, int jlo, int ihi,
  int jhi, char *title )


    I4MAT_PRINT_SOME prints some of an I4MAT.


    An I4MAT is an MxN array of I4's, stored by (I,J) -> [I+J*M].


    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.


    20 August 2010


    John Burkardt


    Input, int M, the number of rows of the matrix.
    M must be positive.

    Input, int N, the number of columns of the matrix.
    N must be positive.

    Input, int A[M*N], the matrix.

    Input, int ILO, JLO, IHI, JHI, designate the first row and
    column, and the last row and column to be printed.

    Input, char *TITLE, a title.
# define INCX 10

  int i;
  int i2hi;
  int i2lo;
  int j;
  int j2hi;
  int j2lo;

  fprintf ( stdout, "\n" );
  fprintf ( stdout, "%s\n", title );

  if ( m <= 0 || n <= 0 )
    fprintf ( stdout, "\n" );
    fprintf ( stdout, "  (None)\n" );
  Print the columns of the matrix, in strips of INCX.
  for ( j2lo = jlo; j2lo <= jhi; j2lo = j2lo + INCX )
    j2hi = j2lo + INCX - 1;
    j2hi = i4_min ( j2hi, n );
    j2hi = i4_min ( j2hi, jhi );

    fprintf ( stdout, "\n" );
  For each column J in the current range...

  Write the header.
    fprintf ( stdout, "  Col:" );
    for ( j = j2lo; j <= j2hi; j++ )
      fprintf ( stdout, "  %6d", j - 1 );
    fprintf ( stdout, "\n" );
    fprintf ( stdout, "  Row\n" );
    fprintf ( stdout, "\n" );
  Determine the range of the rows in this strip.
    i2lo = i4_max ( ilo, 1 );
    i2hi = i4_min ( ihi, m );

    for ( i = i2lo; i <= i2hi; i++ )
  Print out (up to INCX) entries in row I, that lie in the current strip.
      fprintf ( stdout, "%5d:", i - 1 );
      for ( j = j2lo; j <= j2hi; j++ )
        fprintf ( stdout, "  %6d", a[i-1+(j-1)*m] );
      fprintf ( stdout, "\n" );

# undef INCX

void i4vec_print ( int n, int a[], char *title )


    I4VEC_PRINT prints an I4VEC.


    An I4VEC is a vector of I4's.


    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.


    14 November 2003


    John Burkardt


    Input, int N, the number of components of the vector.

    Input, int A[N], the vector to be printed.

    Input, char *TITLE, a title.
  int i;

  fprintf ( stdout, "\n" );
  fprintf ( stdout, "%s\n", title );
  fprintf ( stdout, "\n" );

  for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
    fprintf ( stdout, "  %6d: %8d\n", i, a[i] );

int i4vec_sum ( int n, int a[] )


    I4VEC_SUM sums the entries of an I4VEC.


    An I4VEC is a vector of I4's.



      A = ( 1, 2, 3, 4 )


      I4VEC_SUM = 10


    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.


    29 May 2003


    John Burkardt


    Input, int N, the number of entries in the vector.

    Input, int A[N], the vector to be summed.

    Output, int I4VEC_SUM, the sum of the entries of A.
  int i;
  int sum;

  sum = 0;
  for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
    sum = sum + a[i];

  return sum;

double r8_uniform_01 ( int *seed )


    R8_UNIFORM_01 returns a unit pseudorandom R8.


    This routine implements the recursion

      seed = 16807 * seed mod ( 2^31 - 1 )
      r8_uniform_01 = seed / ( 2^31 - 1 )

    The integer arithmetic never requires more than 32 bits,
    including a sign bit.

    If the initial seed is 12345, then the first three computations are

      Input     Output      R8_UNIFORM_01
      SEED      SEED

         12345   207482415  0.096616
     207482415  1790989824  0.833995
    1790989824  2035175616  0.947702


    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.


    11 August 2004


    John Burkardt


    Paul Bratley, Bennett Fox, Linus Schrage,
    A Guide to Simulation,
    Springer Verlag, pages 201-202, 1983.

    Pierre L'Ecuyer,
    Random Number Generation,
    in Handbook of Simulation
    edited by Jerry Banks,
    Wiley Interscience, page 95, 1998.

    Bennett Fox,
    Algorithm 647:
    Implementation and Relative Efficiency of Quasirandom
    Sequence Generators,
    ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software,
    Volume 12, Number 4, pages 362-376, 1986.

    P A Lewis, A S Goodman, J M Miller,
    A Pseudo-Random Number Generator for the System/360,
    IBM Systems Journal,
    Volume 8, pages 136-143, 1969.


    Input/output, int *SEED, the "seed" value.  Normally, this
    value should not be 0.  On output, SEED has been updated.

    Output, double R8_UNIFORM_01, a new pseudorandom variate, strictly between
    0 and 1.
  int k;
  double r;

  k = *seed / 127773;

  *seed = 16807 * ( *seed - k * 127773 ) - k * 2836;

  if ( *seed < 0 )
    *seed = *seed + 2147483647;
  Although SEED can be represented exactly as a 32 bit integer,
  it generally cannot be represented exactly as a 32 bit real number!
  r = ( ( double ) ( *seed ) ) * 4.656612875E-10;

  return r;

void rcont2 ( int nrow, int ncol, int nrowt[], int ncolt[], int *key,
  int *seed, int matrix[],  int *ierror )


    RCONT2 constructs a random two-way contingency table with given sums.


    It is possible to specify row and column sum vectors which
    correspond to no table at all.  As far as I can see, this routine does
    not detect such a case.


    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.


    12 November 2010


    Original FORTRAN77 version by WM Patefield.
    C version by John Burkardt.


    WM Patefield,
    Algorithm AS 159:
    An Efficient Method of Generating RXC Tables with
    Given Row and Column Totals,
    Applied Statistics,
    Volume 30, Number 1, 1981, pages 91-97.


    Input, int NROW, NCOL, the number of rows and columns
    in the table.  NROW and NCOL must each be at least 2.

    Input, int NROWT[NROW], NCOLT[NCOL], the row and column
    sums.  Each entry must be positive.

    Input/output, int *KEY, a flag that indicates whether data has
    been initialized for this problem.  Set KEY = .FALSE. before the first

    Input/output, int *SEED, a seed for the random number generator.

    Output, int MATRIX[NROW*NCOL], the matrix.

    Output, int *IERROR, an error flag, which is returned
    as 0 if no error occurred.
  int done1;
  int done2;
  static double *fact = NULL;
  int i;
  int ia;
  int iap;
  int ib;
  int ic;
  int id;
  int idp;
  int ie;
  int igp;
  int ihp;
  int ii;
  int iip;
  int j;
  int jc;
  int *jwork;
  int l;
  int lsm;
  int lsp;
  int m;
  int nll;
  int nlm;
  int nlmp;
  int nrowtl;
  static int ntotal = 0;
  double r;
  double sumprb;
  double x;
  double y;

  *ierror = 0;
  On user's signal, set up the factorial table.
  if ( !(*key) )

    *key = 1;

    if ( nrow <= 1 )
      printf ( "\n" );
      printf ( "RCONT - Fatal error!\n" );
      printf ( "  Input number of rows is less than 2.\n" );
      *ierror = 1;

    if ( ncol <= 1 )
      printf ( "\n" );
      printf ( "RCONT - Fatal error!\n" );
      printf ( "  The number of columns is less than 2.\n" );
      *ierror = 2;

    for ( i = 0; i < nrow; i++ )
      if ( nrowt[i] <= 0 )
        printf ( "\n" );
        printf ( "RCONT - Fatal error!\n" );
        printf ( "  An entry in the row sum vector is not positive.\n" );
        *ierror = 3;

    for ( j = 0; j < ncol; j++ )
      if ( ncolt[j] <= 0 )
        printf ( "\n" );
        printf ( "RCONT - Fatal error!\n" );
        printf ( "  An entry in the column sum vector is not positive.\n" );
        *ierror = 4;

    if ( i4vec_sum ( ncol, ncolt ) != i4vec_sum ( nrow, nrowt ) )
      printf ( "\n" );
      printf ( "RCONT - Fatal error!\n" );
      printf ( "  The row and column sum vectors do not have the same sum.\n" );
      *ierror = 6;

    ntotal = i4vec_sum ( ncol, ncolt );

    if ( fact )
      free ( fact );

    fact = ( double * ) malloc ( ( ntotal + 1 ) * sizeof ( double ) );
  Calculate log-factorials.
    x = 0.0;
    fact[0] = 0.0;
    for ( i = 1; i <= ntotal; i++ )
      x = x + log ( ( double ) ( i ) );
      fact[i] = x;

  Construct a random matrix.
  jwork = ( int * ) malloc ( ncol * sizeof ( int ) );;

  for ( i = 0; i < ncol - 1; i++ )
    jwork[i] = ncolt[i];

  jc = ntotal;

  for ( l = 0; l < nrow - 1; l++ )
    nrowtl = nrowt[l];
    ia = nrowtl;
    ic = jc;
    jc = jc - nrowtl;

    for ( m = 0; m < ncol - 1; m++ )
      id = jwork[m];
      ie = ic;
      ic = ic - id;
      ib = ie - ia;
      ii = ib - id;
  Test for zero entries in matrix.
      if ( ie == 0 )
        ia = 0;
        for ( j = m; j < ncol; j++ )
          matrix[l+j*nrow] = 0;
  Generate a pseudo-random number.
      r = r8_uniform_01 ( seed );
  Compute the conditional expected value of MATRIX(L,M).
      done1 = 0;

      for ( ; ; )
        nlm = ( int ) ( ( double ) ( ia * id ) / ( double ) ( ie ) + 0.5 );
        iap = ia + 1;
        idp = id + 1;
        igp = idp - nlm;
        ihp = iap - nlm;
        nlmp = nlm + 1;
        iip = ii + nlmp;
        x = exp ( fact[iap-1] + fact[ib] + fact[ic] + fact[idp-1] -
          fact[ie] - fact[nlmp-1] - fact[igp-1] - fact[ihp-1] - fact[iip-1] );

        if ( r <= x )

        sumprb = x;
        y = x;
        nll = nlm;
        lsp = 0;
        lsm = 0;
  Increment entry in row L, column M.
        while ( !lsp )
          j = ( id - nlm ) * ( ia - nlm );

          if ( j == 0 )
            lsp = 1;
            nlm = nlm + 1;
            x = x * ( double ) ( j ) / ( double ) ( nlm * ( ii + nlm ) );
            sumprb = sumprb + x;

            if ( r <= sumprb )
              done1 = 1;

          done2 = 0;

          while ( !lsm )
  Decrement the entry in row L, column M.
            j = nll * ( ii + nll );

            if ( j == 0 )
              lsm = 1;

            nll = nll - 1;
            y = y * ( double ) ( j ) / ( double ) ( ( id - nll ) * ( ia - nll ) );
            sumprb = sumprb + y;

            if ( r <= sumprb )
              nlm = nll;
              done2 = 1;

            if ( !lsp )


          if ( done2 )


        if ( done1 )

        if ( done2 )

        r = r8_uniform_01 ( seed );
        r = sumprb * r;


      matrix[l+m*nrow] = nlm;
      ia = ia - nlm;
      jwork[m] = jwork[m] - nlm;

    matrix[l+(ncol-1)*nrow] = ia;
  Compute the last row.
  for ( j = 0; j < ncol - 1; j++ )
    matrix[nrow-1+j*nrow] = jwork[j];
  matrix[nrow-1+(ncol-1)*nrow] = ib - matrix[nrow-1+(ncol-2)*nrow];

  free ( jwork );


void timestamp ( )


    TIMESTAMP prints the current YMDHMS date as a time stamp.


    17 June 2014 09:45:54 AM


    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. 


    17 June 2014


    John Burkardt


# define TIME_SIZE 40

  static char time_buffer[TIME_SIZE];
  const struct tm *tm;
  time_t now;

  now = time ( NULL );
  tm = localtime ( &now );

  strftime ( time_buffer, TIME_SIZE, "%d %B %Y %I:%M:%S %p", tm );

  printf ( "%s\n", time_buffer );

# undef TIME_SIZE