# include <stdlib.h>
# include <stdio.h>
# include <math.h>

# include "asa058.h"

int main ( );
void asa058_test01 ( );


int main ( )


    MAIN is the main program for ASA058_TEST.


    ASA058_TEST tests the ASA058 library.


    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. 


    03 February 2008


    John Burkardt
  timestamp ( );
  printf ( "\n" );
  printf ( "ASA058_TEST:\n" );
  printf ( "  C version\n" );
  printf ( "  Test the ASA058 library.\n" );

  asa058_test01 ( );
  printf ( "\n" );
  printf ( "ASA058_TEST:\n" );
  printf ( "  Normal end of execution.\n" );
  printf ( "\n" );
  timestamp ( );

  return 0;

void asa058_test01 ( )


    ASA058_TEST01 tries out the ASA058 routine.


    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. 


    04 February 2008


    John Burkardt
# define K 5
# define LINE_MAX 80
# define M 2
# define N 100

  int b[N];
  double d[K*M];
  double dev[K];
  double dev_sum;
  int e[K];
  int e_sum;
  double f[N];
  int i;
  FILE *input;
  char input_filename[] = "asa058_test_input.txt";
  int j;
  int k2;
  int nz;
  float temp;
  double x[N*M];

  printf ( "\n" );
  printf ( "ASA058_TEST01\n" );
  printf ( "  Test the CLUSTR algorithm.\n" );
  printf ( "  Applied Statistics Algorithm 58\n" );
  Read the data.
  printf ( "\n" );
  printf ( "  Reading the data.\n" );

  input = fopen ( input_filename, "r" );

  if ( !input )
    printf ( "\n" );
    printf ( "TEST01 - Fatal error!\n" );
    printf ( "  Could not open the input file: \"%s\".\n", input_filename );
  It is unbelievable idiocy that FSCANF must read a FLOAT...
  If TEMP were double, I would just get zeros...as I did for
  half an hour trying to figure this error out.
  for ( i = 0; i < N; i++ )
    for ( j = 0; j < 2; j++ )
      fscanf ( input, "%f", &temp );
      x[i+j*N] = temp;
      printf ( "  %f", temp );
    printf ( "\n" );

  fclose ( input );
  Print a few data values.
  printf ( "\n" );
  printf ( "  First 5 data values:\n" );
  printf ( "\n" );

  for ( i = 1; i <= 5; i++ )
    printf ( "  %8d", i );
    for ( j = 1; j <= M; j++ )
      printf ( "  %14f", x[i-1+(j-1)*N] );
    printf ( "\n" );
  Initialize the cluster centers arbitrarily.
  for ( i = 1; i <= K; i++ )
    for ( j = 1; j <= M; j++ )
      d[i-1+(j-1)*K] = x[i-1+(j-1)*N];
  Compute the clusters.
  nz = 1;
  k2 = K;

  clustr ( x, d, dev, b, f, e, N, M, K, nz, k2 );

  printf ( "\n" );
  printf ( "  Cluster  Population  Energy\n" );
  printf ( "\n" );

  for ( i = 1; i <= K; i++ )
    printf ( "  %8d  %8d  %14f\n", i, e[i-1], dev[i-1] );

  e_sum = 0;
  dev_sum = 0.0;

  for ( i = 1; i <= K; i++ )
    e_sum = e_sum + e[i-1];
    dev_sum = dev_sum + dev[i-1];

  printf ( "\n" );
  printf ( "     Total  %8d  %14f\n", e_sum, dev_sum );

# undef K
# undef LINE_MAX
# undef M
# undef N