# include <stdio.h> # include <stdlib.h> # include <time.h> # include "asa058.h" /******************************************************************************/ void clustr ( double x[], double d[], double dev[], int b[], double f[], int e[], int i, int j, int n, int nz, int k ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: CLUSTR uses the K-means algorithm to cluster data. Discussion: Given a matrix of I observations on J variables, the observations are allocated to N clusters in such a way that the within-cluster sum of squares is minimised. Licensing: This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. Modified: 29 October 2010 Author: Original FORTRAN77 version by David Sparks. C version by John Burkardt. Reference: David Sparks, Algorithm AS 58: Euclidean Cluster Analysis, Applied Statistics, Volume 22, Number 1, 1973, pages 126-130. Parameters: Input, double X[I*J], the observed data. Input/output, double D[K*J], the cluster centers. On input, the user has chosen these. On output, they have been updated. Output, double DEV[K], the sums of squared deviations of observations from their cluster centers. Output, int B[I], indicates the cluster to which each observation has been assigned. Workspace, double F[I]. Output, int E[K], the number of observations assigned to each cluster. Input, int I, the number of observations. Input, int J, the number of variables. Input, int N, the number of clusters. Input, int NZ, the minimum number of observations which any cluster is allowed to have. Input, int K, the maximum number of clusters. */ { double big = 1.0E+10; double da; double db; double dc; double de; double fl; double fm; double fq; int ia; int ic; int id; int ie; int ig; int ih; int ii; int ij; int ik; int il; int in; int ip; int ir; int is; int it; int iu; int iw; int ix; int iy; for ( ia = 1; ia <= n; ia++ ) { e[ia-1] = 0; } /* For each observation, calculate the distance from each cluster center, and assign to the nearest. */ for ( ic = 1; ic <= i; ic++ ) { f[ic-1] = 0.0; da = big; for ( id = 1; id <= n; id++ ) { db = 0.0; for ( ie = 1; ie <= j; ie++ ) { dc = x[ic-1+(ie-1)*i] - d[id-1+(ie-1)*k]; db = db + dc * dc; } if ( db < da ) { da = db; b[ic-1] = id; } } ig = b[ic-1]; e[ig-1] = e[ig-1] + 1; } /* Calculate the mean and sum of squares for each cluster. */ for ( ix = 1; ix <= n; ix++ ) { dev[ix-1] = 0.0; for ( iy = 1; iy <= j; iy++ ) { d[ix-1+(iy-1)*k] = 0.0; } } for ( ic = 1; ic <= i; ic++ ) { ig = b[ic-1]; for ( ih = 1; ih <= j; ih++ ) { d[ig-1+(ih-1)*k] = d[ig-1+(ih-1)*k] + x[ic-1+(ih-1)*i]; } } for ( ij = 1; ij <= j; ij++ ) { for ( ii = 1; ii <= n; ii++ ) { d[ii-1+(ij-1)*k] = d[ii-1+(ij-1)*k] / ( double ) e[ii-1]; } } for ( ij = 1; ij <= j; ij++ ) { for ( ik = 1; ik <= i; ik++ ) { il = b[ik-1]; da = x[ik-1+(ij-1)*i] - d[il-1+(ij-1)*k]; db = da * da; f[ik-1] = f[ik-1] + db; dev[il-1] = dev[il-1] + db; } } for ( ik = 1; ik <= i; ik++ ) { il = b[ik-1]; fl = e[il-1]; if ( 2.0 <= fl ) { f[ik-1] = f[ik-1] * fl / ( fl - 1.0 ); } } /* Examine each observation in turn to see if it should be reassigned to a different cluster. */ for ( ; ; ) { iw = 0; for ( ik = 1; ik <= i; ik++ ) { il = b[ik-1]; ir = il; /* If the number of cluster points is less than or equal to the specified minimum, NZ, then bypass this iteration. */ if ( nz < e[il-1] ) { fl = e[il-1]; dc = f[ik-1]; for ( in = 1; in <= n; in++ ) { if ( in != il ) { fm = e[in-1]; fm = fm / ( fm + 1.0 ); de = 0.0; for ( ip = 1; ip <= j; ip++ ) { da = x[ik-1+(ip-1)*i] - d[in-1+(ip-1)*k]; de = de + da * da * fm; } if ( de < dc ) { dc = de; ir = in; } } } /* Reassignment is made here if necessary. */ if ( ir != il ) { fq = e[ir-1]; dev[il-1] = dev[il-1] - f[ik-1]; dev[ir-1] = dev[ir-1] + dc; e[ir-1] = e[ir-1] + 1; e[il-1] = e[il-1] - 1; for ( is = 1; is <= j; is++ ) { d[il-1+(is-1)*k] = ( d[il-1+(is-1)*k] * fl - x[ik-1+(is-1)*i] ) / ( fl - 1.0 ); d[ir-1+(is-1)*k] = ( d[ir-1+(is-1)*k] * fq + x[ik-1+(is-1)*i] ) / ( fq + 1.0 ); } b[ik-1] = ir; for ( it = 1; it <= i; it++ ) { ij = b[it-1]; if ( ij == il || ij == ir ) { f[it-1] = 0.0; for ( iu = 1; iu <= j; iu++ ) { da = x[it-1+(iu-1)*i] - d[ij-1+(iu-1)*k]; f[it-1] = f[it-1] + da * da; } fl = e[ij-1]; f[it-1] = f[it-1] * fl / ( fl - 1.0 ); } } iw = iw + 1; } } } /* If any reassignments were made on this pass, then do another pass. */ if ( iw == 0 ) { break; } } return; }