# include <math.h>
# include <stdio.h>
# include <stdlib.h>
# include <time.h>

# include "annulus_rule.h"


void annulus_rule_compute ( double center[2], double r1, double r2, int nr, 
  int nt, double w[], double x[], double y[] )


    ANNULUS_RULE_COMPUTE computes a quadrature rule for an annulus.


    The integration region is points (X,Y) such that

      R1^2 <= ( X - CENTER(1) )^2 + ( Y - CENTER(2) )^2 <= R2^2


    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.


    06 July 2018


    John Burkardt


    William Peirce,
    Numerical Integration Over the Planar Annulus,
    Journal of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics,
    Volume 5, Issue 2, June 1957, pages 66-73.


    Input, double CENTER(2), the coordinates of the center.

    Input, double R1, R2, the inner and outer radii of the annulus.
    0.0 <= R1 <= R2.

    Input, int NR, the number of points in the radial rule.

    Input, int NT, the number of angles to use.
    The value NT=4*NR is recommended.

    Output, double W[NR*NT], the weights for the rule.

    Output, double X[NR*NT], Y[NR*NT], the points for the rule.
  double a;
  double area;
  double b;
  double c;
  double d;
  int i;
  int j;
  int k;
  const double r8_pi = 3.141592653589793;
  double *ra;
  double *rw;
  double t;
  double tw;
  Request a Legendre rule for [-1,+1].
  ra = ( double * ) malloc ( nr * sizeof ( double ) );
  rw = ( double * ) malloc ( nr * sizeof ( double ) );

  legendre_ek_compute ( nr, ra, rw );
  Adjust the rule from [-1,+1] to [r1^2,r2^2].
  a = -1.0;
  b = +1.0;
  c = r1 * r1;
  d = r2 * r2;
  rule_adjust ( a, b, c, d, nr, ra, rw );
  Convert from R^2 to R.
  for ( i = 0; i < nr; i++ )
    ra[i] = sqrt ( ra[i] );
  for ( i = 0; i < nr; i++ )
    rw[i] = rw[i] / ( r2 + r1 ) / ( r2 - r1 );
  Set the angular weight.
  tw = 1.0 / ( double ) ( nt );
  Get area of annulus.
  area = annulus_area ( center, r1, r2 );
  Form the abscissa and weight vectors.
  k = 0;
  for ( i = 0; i < nt; i++ )
    t = 2.0 * r8_pi * ( double ) ( i ) / ( double ) ( nt );
    for ( j = 0; j < nr; j++ )
      x[k] = center[0] + ra[j] * cos ( t );
      y[k] = center[1] + ra[j] * sin ( t );
      w[k] = area * tw * rw[j];
      k = k + 1;

  free ( ra );
  free ( rw );
