November 4-8, 2024,
School on selected topics in quantum groups, quantum information and operator algebras, Issac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge, UK. It can be attended on-line for free as well.
September 15-20, 2024,
2024 IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering (QCE), Montréal Convention Centre.
September 10-12, 2024,
Quantum Technology International Conference (QTech) 2024, Berlin.
September 9-13, 2024,
TQC 2024 Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology, Japan.
August 26-30, 2024.
24th Asian Quantum Information Science Conference Sapporo, Japan.
August 18-23, 2024,
Quantum Markov Semigroups and Channels: Special Classes and Applications Oaxaca, Mexico.
August 4-17, 2024,
Fault tolerant quantum technologies Benasque, Spain.
July 29-August 2, 2024,
Beyond IID in Information Theory 12 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
July 15-19, 2024,
21st International Conference on Quantum Physics and Logic
Buenos Aires, Argentina.
July 7-12, 2024,
IEEE ISIT 2024 Athens, Greece.
June 10-14, 2024,
Adiabatic Quantum Computing 2024 Glasgow (Scotland, UK).
June 3-7, 2024,
Quantum Error Correction meets Operator Algebras University of Oslo, Norway.
May 7-10, 2024,
International Quantum Matter Conference & Expo San Sebastian, Donostia, (Spain).
April 16-18, 2024,
Quantum Computing Theory in Practice The University of Edinburgh.
March 3-8, 2024,
2024 APS March Meeting Minneapolis, MN. An alternative online option is offered as well.
February 25-March 1, 2024,
Noise and Decoherence in Qubits
Aspen, Colorado.
February 21-23, 2024,
Quantum Days 2024 Calgary, AB.
January 14-18, 2024,
Quantum Computing and Simulation in the NISQ Era Physikzentrum Bad Honnef, Germany.
January 13-19, 2024,
QIP 2024 Taipei, Taiwan.
August 28-September 1, 2023,
AQIS 2023 Seul, Korea.
August 14-18, 2023,
QCrypt 2023 University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland.
August 7-11, 2023, QSim2023 Telluride Conference Center, Colorado.
July 31-August 4, 2023,
It from Qubit 2023 Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Waterloo, ON.
July 31-August 4, 2023,
Beyond IID, 11 in Information Theory University of Tubingen, Germany.
July 24-28, 2023,
Theory of Quantum Computation, Communication and Cryptography (TQC) 2023
Aveiro, Portugal.
June 25-30, 2023,
IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory 2023, Taipei, Taiwan.
June 12-21, 2023,
Dynamics and Quantum Information in Many-body Systems, University of Minnesota.
March 5-10, 2023,
APS March Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada An alternative online option is offered as well.
February 6-10, 2023,
QIP 2023,
Ghent, Belgium.
January 9-11, 2023,
Jonathan P. Dowling Memorial Conference on Quantum Science and Technology,
The Quantum Terminal, Australia.
December 5-8, 2022,
Quantum resources from mathematical foundations to operational characterization, Singapore.
November 16-18, 2022,
Gemini Autumn school on quantum computation, Oslo, Norway.
October 20-22, 2022,
24th Annual Southwest Quantum Information and Technology (SQuInT) Workshop, Berkeley, California.
September 26-30, 2022,
Beyond IID in Information Theory 10.
Online only event.
September 12-16, 2022,
Mathematical Results in Quantum Theory, (QMATH 15), UC-Davis.
August 29-September 2, 2022, IAMP – EMS Summer School in Mathematical Physics 2022, Quantum Information in many body physics. A mathematical invitation, Munich, Germany.
August 29-September 2, 2022,
Conference of Quantum Information and Quantum Control IX, The Fields Institute, Toronto, Canada.
August 22-26, 2022, Masterclass on entropy inequalities in Quantum Information Science, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
August 15-19, 2022,
The mathematics of quantum entanglement via nonlocal games, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
July 11-14, 2022,
17th Conference on the Theory of Quantum Computation, Communication, and Cryptography (TQC 2022), Urbana Champaign, Illinois, USA. Online only as well as in person registration options are offered.
June 14-17, 2022,
Quantum Information and Probability: from Foundations to Engineering,
Linnaeus University, Sweden.
June 8-15, 2022,
Workshops on Quantum Information and Quantum Processing, and complex dynamical networks (WINP2022),
Stockholm, Sweden.
March 21-25, 2022,
Spring School on Open Quantum Systems. It will be an online event.
March 14-18, 2022,
Random tensors at CIRM. Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques (CIRM), Luminy, Marseille, France.
March 14-18, 2022,
APS March Meeting (see DQI), Chicago IL.
It will be held in a hybrid mode.
March, 7-11, 2022, QIP 2022, Pasadena, CA.
It will be held in a hybrid mode.
February, 23-25, 2022,
Quantum Australia 2022, Sydney as well as online.
February, 7-9, 2022,
Solovay workshop on quantum simulation,
January 31-February 3, 2022,
13th Innovations in Theoretical Computer Science (ITCS), Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing, Berkeley. It will be held online or in a hybrid mode.
January 17-20, 2022,
42nd International Conference on Quantum Probability and Infinite dimensional analysis (QP-42), Indian Statistical Institute, Bangalore, India. It will be held in a hybrid mode.
November 8-12, 2021,
QTML 2021, (Quantum Techniques in Machine Learning 2021). Tokyo, Japan. It will be a virtual conference.
October 18–22, 2021,
IEEE Quantum Week 2021. It will be a virtual event.
October 18-22, 2021,
ICQOM 2021, (The International conference on quantum communication). Paris, France.
October 14-16, 2021, 23rd Annual SQuInT Workshop, Albuquerque, NM. Update: Became a virtual conference.
September 27-October 1, 2021, Beyond IID, Online event.
September 13-17, 2021,
Second Kyoto Workshop on Quantum Information, Computation, and Foundation, Online event.
September 1-4, 2021,
AQIS 2021
U. Tokyo, Japan. Update: Became a virtual event.
August 23-27, 2021, Quantum Cryptography 2021 Roeterseiland Campus, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Update: Became a virtual conference.
July 29-31, and August 2-7, 2021 (Young Researchers Symposium, followed by International Association of Mathematical Physics (IAMP), Both contain thematic sessions on Quantum Information>, Geneva, Switzerland. The conference will also be streamed online.
July 11-16, 2021, International Symposium on Information Theory 2021 (ISIT 2021), Melbourne, Australia. Update: Became a virtual conference.
July 7-9, 2021,
Thermodynamics and information in the quantum regime (TIQUR 2021), It is an online workshop.
July 5-8, 2021,
Theory of Quantum Computation, Communication and Cryptography (TQC) 2021. Riga, Latvia. Update: Became a virtual conference.
June 15-18, 2021,
Quantum computing hard- and software summer school 2021. Lausanne, Switzerland. Update: Became an online event.
June 7-11, 2021,
Quantum Ideas Virtual Summer School, Duke University. Update: Became a virtual event.
June 7-11, 2021, 18th International Conference on Quantum Physics and Logic, Gdańsk, Poland. The conference will also feature a virtual component.
June 1, 2021,
John Stewart Bell Prize 2021 award ceremony (organized by CQIQC) The ceremony and the talks will be held online.
May 10-14, 2021,
Quantum Information in Spain (ICE-6) It will be a virtual conference.
May 6, 2021,
Physics of Computation Conference 40th Anniversary (QC40) It will be a virtual event.
April 13-16, 2021, Pittsburgh Quantum Institute 2021 Pittsburgh PA. Update: Became an online event. .
April 12-16, 2021, Sixth International Conference for Young Quantum Information Scientists (YQIS 2021), Michigan State University. Update: Became a virtual conference.
April 11-15, 2021, IEEE Information Theory Workshop, Riva del Garda Congress Center, Italy. Update: Became a virtual conference.
April 14, 2021, World Quantum Day.
April 8-9, 2021, Quantum Software and Optimisation online workshop Chalmers University of Technology. It is an online workshop.
March 28- April 1, 2021,
41st International Conference on Quantum Probability and related topics (QP 41), United Arab Emirates University. Update: Became a virtual conference.
March 16-19, 2021, 10th Conference on Quantum Simulation and Quantum Walks, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan.
March 15-19, 2021, March Meeting of the American Physical Society, (see Division of Quantum Information). Update: Became a virtual conference.
March 1-5, 2021, Machine learning for quantum, (MLQ) 2021 It will be held online.
February 1-12, 2021,
School on Advanced Topics in Quantum Information and Foundations, Kyoto University. It will be held online.
January 30-February 5, 2021, Quantum Information Processing (QIP 2021), Munich, Germany. Update: Became a virtual conference.
January 6-8, 2021, 12th Innovations in Theoretical Computer Science (ITCS). Quantum and quantum information sessions on January 7th. Virtual conference.
December 7-11, 2020, 5th year Anniversary Symposium for the Dutch Research Center for Quantum Software (QuSoft) Amsterdam, Netherlands. Update: Became a virtual symposium.
December 11, 2020, First Workshop on Quantum Tensor Networks in Machine Learning. It is a virtual workshop.
December 7-9, 2020, 20th Asian Quantum Information Science (AQIS) Conference, Sydney, Australia. Update: Became a virtual conference.
December 7, 2020, Quantum Information Technologies in Louisiana (QuILT), Day 8 It is a virtual conference.
November 23-27, 2020, Q-Turn 2020. Chennai, India. Update: Became a virtual conference.
November 18-21, 2020, 2020 Byron Bay Quantum (BBQ) Workshop. Byron Bay, Australia. Update: Became a virtual workshop. Please contact the organizers for (free) registration information.
November 9-13, 2020, Beyond I.I.D., Stanford University.
Update: Became a virtual conference.
November 9-12, 2020, Quantum Techniques in Machine Learning 2020. Cambridge, MA. It is a virtual conference.
October 30, 2020, Recent developments in quantum information and computing, City University of New York. Update: It is a virtual symposium.
October 19-22, 2020, Quantum 2020. It is a virtual conference.
September 29-October 2, 2020, First IBM workshop on the informational lens, (the talks on September 29 are focused on Quantum Information). . It is a virtual conference.
September 14-18, 2020, Workshop on Quantum Information, Computation, and Foundation, Kyoto University. It is a webinar.
September 7-11, 2020, Conference on Quantum Annealing/Adiabatic Quantum Computation, Trieste, Italy. It became a webinar.
August 31- September 4, 2020, Summer School on Quantum Computing: Software for Near-Term Quantum Devices. It is a webinar.
August 9-21, 2020, Fault-Tolerant Quantum Technologies. Benasque, Spain. Update: Became a virtual conference.
August 10-14, 2020, QCrypt2020. The Quantum Cryptography conference 2020 is a virtual conference.
July 28-30, 2020, Computational Complexity Conference 2020 (CCC 2020). Saarbruecken, Germany. Update: Became a virtual conference.
July 20-31, 2020, Qiskit Global Summer School. It is a webinar.
July 6-8, 2020,
June 22-26, 2020, STOC 2020: 52nd Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing,
Chicago, IL. Update: Became a webinar.
June 22-23 and 29-30, 2020, Machine Learning for Quantum Simulation. Webinar.
June 21-26, 2020, International Symposium on Information Theory 2020 (ISIT 2020) Los Angeles, CA. Update: Became a webinar.
June 9-12, 2020, 15th Conference on the theory of quantum computation, communication and cryptography (TQC 2020), Riga, Latvia. Update: Became a webinar, while TQC 2021 will be held in Riga, Latvia.
June 8-12, 2020, Quantum ideas summer school Duke University. Update: The program will be hosted virtually.
June 2-5, 2020, Online workshop: Complexity from Quantum Information to Black Holes. Webinar; free registration is required.
June 1–5, 2020, 51st Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics (APS DAMOP 2020) , Portland, Oregon. See in particular Sessions D09 and H06. Update: Became a webinar; free registration (for APS members) is required. Registration link.
May 4–8, 2020, Quantum Devices: Simulation, Supremacy, and Optimization, Simons Institute, UC Berkeley. Update: Became a webinar.
April 27-29, 2020, Bristol Quantum Information Technologies Workshop (BQIT:20), University of Bristol, UK. Update: Became a webinar.
April 21-23, 2020, 2020 Quantum Computing User Forum, Webinar organized by Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
April 6-8, 2020, Quantum Computing Theory in Practice Conference 2020, Cambridge, England. Update: Became a webinar.
March 30-April 3, 2020, Quantum Protocols: Testing and Quantum PCPs , Simons Institute, UC Berkeley. Update: Became a webinar.
March 2-6, 2020, March Meeting of the American Physical Society, (see 17. Quantum Information, Concepts and Computation), Denver, CO. Update: The conference was canceled but participants could upload their talks and slides for everybody to view. See also here.
February 25-28, 2020, Quantum Algorithms , Simons Institute, UC Berkeley.
February 22–24, 2020, Quantum Cryptanalysis of Post-Quantum Cryptography, Simons Institute, UC Berkeley.
February 8-10, 2020, 22nd Annual Southwest Quantum Information and Technology (SQuInT), Eugene, OR.
January 27–31, 2020, The Quantum Wave in Computing Boot Camp, Simons Institute, UC Berkeley.
January 4-10, 2019, Quantum Information Processing (QIP 2020), Shenzhen, China.
October 14-18, 2019, Quantum Simulation and Computation 2019 (QSC 2019) See also September 16-October 11, 2019 for a four weeks of workshop prior to this meeting.