#! /usr/bin/env python # #*****************************************************************************80 # ## STEP10 examines the 2D Poisson equation. # # Discussion: # # For a moment, recall the Navier-Stokes equations for an incompressible # fluid, letting v represent the velocity vector, and p the pressure: # # dv -1 # -- + ( v dot del ) v = --- del p + nu del^2 v # dt rho # # del dot v = 0 # # The first equation is the conservation of momentum. # The second equation, the "continuity equation", represents mass # conservation at constant density. # # But a problem appears: the continuity equation for incompressble flow # does not have a dominant variable and there is no obvious way to couple # the velocity and the pressure. In contrast, in the case of compressible # flow, mass continuity would provide an evolution equation for the # density rho, which is coupled with an equation of state relating rho and p. # # In incompressible flow, the continuity equation provides a constraint # on the velocity field, so that the pressure field must exert an influence # on the velocity field that guarantees that the expansion rate ( del v ) # vanishes everywhere. # # A way out of this difficulty is to construct a pressure field that # guarantees continuity is satisfied; such a relation can be obtained by # taking the divergence of the momentum equation. In that process, a # Poisson equation for the pressure shows up! # # Poisson's equation is obtained by including a source term function b(x,y) # to the right hand side of Laplace's equation: # # d2 p d2 p # ---- + ---- = b # dx2 dy2 # # So, unlike the Laplace equation, there is some nonzero value inside the # field that affects the solution. Poisson's equation acts to "relax" the # initial sources in the field. # # In discretized form, this looks almost the same as Step 9, except for the # source term: # # p(n,i+1,j) - 2 p(n,i,j) + p(n,i-1,j) p(n,i,j+1) - 2 p(n,i,j) + p(n,i,j-1) # ------------------------------------ + ------------------------------------ = b(i,j) # dx^2 dy^2 # # As before, we rearrange to obtain an equation for p at point i,j # # p(n,i,j) = ( dy^2 ( p(n,i+1,j) + p(n,i-1,j) # + dx^2 ( p(n,i,j+1) + p(n,i,j-1) # - dx^2 dy^2 b(i,j) ) # / 2 / ( dx^2 + dy^2 ) # # We will solve this equation by assuming an initial state of p=0 # everywhere, and applying boundary conditions as follows: # # p = 0 at x = 0 or x = 2 or y = 0 or y = 1. # # The source term b consists of two spikes inside the domain: # # b(i,j) = +100.0 at (i,j)=(nx/4,ny/4) # b(i,j) = -100.0 at (i,j)=(3*nx/4,3*ny/4) # b(i,j) = 0.0 elsewhere # # The iterations will advance in pseudo-time to relax the initial spikes. # The relaxation under Poisson's equation gets slower and slower as they # progress. Why? # # Let's look at one possible way to write the code for Poisson's equation. # As always, we load our favorite Python libraries. We also want to make # some lovely plots in 3D. Let's get our parameters defined and the # initialization out of the way. What do you notice of the approach below? # # Modified: # # 21 May 2016 # # Author: # # Lorena Barba # import numpy # # Load the matplotlib library, for graphics. # import matplotlib # # We aren't issuing commands interactively. So we want the graphics to # go to a png file, not to the screen. To do this, we have to request # the noninteractive graphics backend called 'Agg'. # matplotlib.use ( 'Agg' ) # # cm = "colormap" for changing the 3d plot color palette # from matplotlib import cm # # Now we import pyplot for graphics, and give it an abbreviated name. # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # # Import a library needed for 3D plots. # from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D import platform print ( '' ) print ( 'STEP10:' ) print ( ' Python version: %s' % ( platform.python_version ( ) ) ) print ( ' The 2D Poisson equation.' ) # # Problem parameters # nx = 50 ny = 50 nt = 100 xmin = 0.0 xmax = 2.0 ymin = 0.0 ymax = 1.0 dx = ( xmax - xmin ) / ( nx - 1 ) dy = ( ymax - ymin ) / ( ny - 1 ) # # Set the x and y coordinate vectors. # x = numpy.linspace ( xmin, xmax, nx ) y = numpy.linspace ( ymin, ymax, ny ) # # Set the initial guess. Enforce the boundary conditions. # p = numpy.zeros ( ( ny, nx ) ) p[0,:] = 0.0 p[ny-1,:] = 0.0 p[:,0] = 0.0 p[:,nx-1] = 0.0 # # Set the source term. # b = numpy.zeros ( ( ny, nx ) ) b[ny//4,nx//4] = 100.0 b[3*ny//4,3*nx//4] = -100.0 # # We are ready to advance the initial guess in pseudo-time. # How is the code below different from the function used in Step 9 to # solve Laplace's equation? # for it in range ( nt ): pd = p.copy ( ) p[1:-1,1:-1] = ( dy ** 2 * ( pd[1:-1,2:] + pd[1:-1,:-2] ) \ + dx ** 2 * ( pd[2:,1:-1] + pd[:-2,1:-1] ) \ - dx ** 2 * dy ** 2 * b[1:-1,1:-1] ) \ / ( 2.0 * ( dx ** 2 + dy ** 2 ) ) p[0,:] = 0.0 p[ny-1,:] = 0.0 p[:,0] = 0.0 p[:,nx-1] = 0.0 # # Maybe we could reuse our plotting function from Step 9, don't you think? # # The function plot2d takes three arguments, # * an x-vector, # * a y-vector # * our p matrix. # # Given these three values, it produces a 3D projection plot, # sets the plot limits and gives us a nice viewing angle. # def plot2d ( x, y, p ): fig = plt.figure ( figsize = ( 11, 7 ), dpi = 100 ) ax = fig.gca ( projection = '3d' ) X,Y = numpy.meshgrid ( x, y ) surf = ax.plot_surface ( X, Y, p[:], rstride = 1, cstride = 1, cmap = cm.coolwarm, linewidth = 0, antialiased = False ) ax.set_xlim ( 0.0, 2.0 ) ax.set_ylim ( 0.0, 1.0 ) ax.view_init ( 30, 225 ) # # Here's where we call it: # plot2d ( x, y, p ) plt.savefig ( 'step10_final' ) print ( ' Saved final solution in file "step10_final.png".' ) # # Ah! The wonders of code reuse! Now, you probably think: "Well, if I've # written this neat little function that does something so useful, I want # to use it over and over again. How can I do this without copying and # pasting it each time? If you are very curious about this, you'll have to # learn about packaging. But this goes beyond the scope of our CFD lessons. # You'll just have to Google it if you really want to know. # # To learn more about the role of the Poisson equation in CFD, watch Video # Lesson 11 on YouTube. # # Terminate. # print ( '' ) print ( 'STEP10:' ) print ( ' Normal end of execution.' )