Wed Sep 12 15:53:05 2018 BANK_TEST Python version: 3.6.5 Test the BANK library. CH_IS_DIGIT_TEST Python version: 3.6.5 CH_IS_DIGIT is TRUE if a character is a decimal digit. 0 "0" True 1 "1" True 2 "2" True 3 "3" True 4 "4" True 5 "5" True 6 "6" True 7 "7" True 8 "8" True 9 "9" True 10 "X" False 11 "?" False 12 " " False CH_IS_DIGIT_TEST: Normal end of execution. CH_TO_DIGIT_TEST Python version: 3.6.5 CH_TO_DIGIT: character -> decimal digit 0 "0" 0 1 "1" 1 2 "2" 2 3 "3" 3 4 "4" 4 5 "5" 5 6 "6" 6 7 "7" 7 8 "8" 8 9 "9" 9 10 "X" -1 11 "?" -1 12 " " -1 CH_TO_DIGIT_TEST: Normal end of execution. I4VEC_PRINT_TEST Python version: 3.6.5 I4VEC_PRINT prints an I4VEC. Here is an I4VEC: 0 91 1 92 2 93 3 94 I4VEC_PRINT_TEST: Normal end of execution. S_TO_DIGITS_TEST Python version: 3.6.5 S_TO_DIGITS: string -> digit vector Test string: "34E94-70.6" Extracted 5 digits: 0 3 1 4 2 9 3 4 4 7 Test string: "34E94-70.6" Extracted 7 digits: 0 3 1 4 2 9 3 4 4 7 5 0 6 6 S_TO_DIGITS_TEST Normal end of execution. BANK_CHECK_DIGIT_CALCULATE_TEST Python version: 3.6.5 BANK_CHECK_DIGIT_CALCULATE calculates the 9-th digit (the check digit) of a bank checksum. Check digit of "123-456-780" is 0, expecting 0 Check digit of "123 456 78" is 0, expecting 0 Check digit of "323-371-076" is 6, expecting 6 Check digit of "87654321" is 2, expecting 2 Check digit of "13579864" is 3, expecting 3 BANK_CHECK_DIGIT_CALCULATE_TEST Normal end of execution. BANK_IS_VALID_TEST Python version: 3.6.5 BANK_IS_VALID reports whether a bank checksum is valid. Validity of "323-371-076" is 1, expecting 1 Validity of "323-371-576" is 0, expecting 0 Validity of "123 456 780" is 1, expecting 1 Validity of "123 456 789" is 0, expecting 0 BANK_IS_VALID_TEST Normal end of execution. BANK_TEST: Normal end of execution. Wed Sep 12 15:53:05 2018