Wed Sep 12 14:16:04 2018 ASA241_TEST: Test the ASA241 library. NORMAL_01_CDF_VALUES_TEST: Python version: 3.6.5 NORMAL_01_CDF_VALUES stores values of the unit normal CDF. X NORMAL_01_CDF(X) 0.000000 0.5000000000000000 0.100000 0.5398278372770290 0.200000 0.5792597094391030 0.300000 0.6179114221889526 0.400000 0.6554217416103242 0.500000 0.6914624612740131 0.600000 0.7257468822499270 0.700000 0.7580363477769270 0.800000 0.7881446014166033 0.900000 0.8159398746532405 1.000000 0.8413447460685429 1.500000 0.9331927987311419 2.000000 0.9772498680518208 2.500000 0.9937903346742240 3.000000 0.9986501019683699 3.500000 0.9997673709209645 4.000000 0.9999683287581669 NORMAL_01_CDF_VALUES_TEST: Normal end of execution. R4_HUGE_TEST Python version: 3.6.5 R4_HUGE returns a "huge" R4; R4_HUGE = 1e+30 R4_HUGE_TEST Normal end of execution. R4_NORMAL_01_CDF_INVERSE_TEST: R4_NORMAL_01_CDF_INVERSE takes FX = NormalCDF ( X ) and computes an estimate X2, of the corresponding input argument X, accurate to about 7 decimal places. X FX X2 0 0.5 0 0.1 0.539827837277029 0.1000000025017257 0.2 0.579259709439103 0.1999999962846442 0.3 0.6179114221889526 0.2999999864219961 0.4 0.6554217416103242 0.3999999882997702 0.5 0.6914624612740131 0.50000000785661 0.6 0.725746882249927 0.6000000271476026 0.7 0.758036347776927 0.7000000182366261 0.8 0.7881446014166033 0.7999999807418356 0.9 0.8159398746532405 0.8999999597170599 1 0.8413447460685429 0.9999999976269962 1.5 0.9331927987311419 1.499999896294564 2 0.9772498680518208 2.000000215572599 2.5 0.993790334674224 2.499999996732579 3 0.9986501019683699 2.999999648798706 3.5 0.9997673709209645 3.49999984646461 4 0.9999683287581669 4.000000310311475 R4POLY_PRINT_TEST Python version: 3.6.5 R4POLY_PRINT prints an R4POLY. The R8POLY: p(x) = 9 * x^5 + 0.78 * x^4 + 56 * x^2 - 3.4 * x + 12 The R8POLY: p(x) = 0.78 * x^4 + 56 * x^2 - 3.4 * x + 12 The R8POLY: p(x) = 12 The R8POLY: p(x) = 0 R4POLY_PRINT_TEST: Normal end of execution. R4POLY_VALUE_TEST Python version: 3.6.5 R4POLY_VALUE evaluates a polynomial at a point using a naive method. The polynomial coefficients: p(x) = 1 * x^4 - 10 * x^3 + 35 * x^2 - 50 * x + 24 I X P(X) 0 0.0000 24 1 0.3333 10.8519 2 0.6667 3.25926 3 1.0000 -1 4 1.3333 -4.14815 5 1.6667 -8.40741 6 2.0000 -16 7 2.3333 -29.1481 8 2.6667 -50.0741 9 3.0000 -81 10 3.3333 -124.148 11 3.6667 -181.741 12 4.0000 -256 13 4.3333 -349.148 14 4.6667 -463.407 15 5.0000 -601 R4POLY_VALUE_TEST: Normal end of execution. R4VEC_IS_ZERO_TEST Python version: 3.6.5 R4VEC_IS_ZERO is TRUE if an R8VEC contains only zero entries. X: 0 1 0 X contains at least one nonzero entry. X: 0 0 0 X contains only zero entries. X: -3 -99 -87.3 X contains at least one nonzero entry. R4VEC_IS_ZERO_TEST Normal end of execution. R4VEC_PRINT_TEST Python version: 3.6.5 R4VEC_PRINT prints an R4VEC. Here is an R4VEC: 0: 123.456 1: 5e-06 2: -1e+06 3: 3.14159 R4VEC_PRINT_TEST: Normal end of execution. R4VEC_TRANSPOSE_PRINT_TEST Python version: 3.6.5 R4VEC_TRANSPOSE_PRINT prints an R4VEC "tranposed", that is, placing multiple entries on a line. The vector X: 0.218418 0.956318 0.829509 0.561695 0.415307 0.0661187 0.257578 0.109957 0.043829 0.633966 0.0617272 0.449539 R4VEC_TRANSPOSE_PRINT_TEST Normal end of execution. R4VEC_UNIFORM_01_TEST Python version: 3.6.5 R4VEC_UNIFORM_01 computes a random R4VEC. Initial seed is 123456789 Random R8VEC: 0: 0.218418 1: 0.956318 2: 0.829509 3: 0.561695 4: 0.415307 5: 0.0661187 6: 0.257578 7: 0.109957 8: 0.043829 9: 0.633966 R4VEC_UNIFORM_01_TEST: Normal end of execution. R8_HUGE_TEST Python version: 3.6.5 R8_HUGE returns a "huge" R8; R8_HUGE = 1.79769e+308 R8_HUGE_TEST Normal end of execution. R8_NORMAL_01_CDF_INVERSE_TEST: R8_NORMAL_01_CDF_INVERSE takes FX = NormalCDF ( X ) and computes an estimate X2, of the corresponding input argument X, accurate to about 16 decimal places. X FX X2 0 0.5 0 0.1 0.539827837277029 0.09999999999999999 0.2 0.579259709439103 0.1999999999999999 0.3 0.6179114221889526 0.2999999999999998 0.4 0.6554217416103242 0.4 0.5 0.6914624612740131 0.4999999999999998 0.6 0.725746882249927 0.6000000000000016 0.7 0.758036347776927 0.6999999999999998 0.8 0.7881446014166033 0.7999999999999998 0.9 0.8159398746532405 0.9 1 0.8413447460685429 1 1.5 0.9331927987311419 1.5 2 0.9772498680518208 2 2.5 0.993790334674224 2.500000000000004 3 0.9986501019683699 2.999999999999997 3.5 0.9997673709209645 3.499999999999983 4 0.9999683287581669 4 R8POLY_PRINT_TEST Python version: 3.6.5 R8POLY_PRINT prints an R8POLY. The R8POLY: p(x) = 9 * x^5 + 0.78 * x^4 + 56 * x^2 - 3.4 * x + 12 The R8POLY: p(x) = 0.78 * x^4 + 56 * x^2 - 3.4 * x + 12 The R8POLY: p(x) = 12 The R8POLY: p(x) = 0 R8POLY_PRINT_TEST: Normal end of execution. R8POLY_VALUE_TEST Python version: 3.6.5 R8POLY_VALUE evaluates a polynomial at a point using a naive method. The polynomial coefficients: p(x) = 1 * x^4 - 10 * x^3 + 35 * x^2 - 50 * x + 24 I X P(X) 0 0.0000 24 1 0.3333 10.8519 2 0.6667 3.25926 3 1.0000 -1 4 1.3333 -4.14815 5 1.6667 -8.40741 6 2.0000 -16 7 2.3333 -29.1481 8 2.6667 -50.0741 9 3.0000 -81 10 3.3333 -124.148 11 3.6667 -181.741 12 4.0000 -256 13 4.3333 -349.148 14 4.6667 -463.407 15 5.0000 -601 R8POLY_VALUE_TEST: Normal end of execution. R8VEC_IS_ZERO_TEST Python version: 3.6.5 R8VEC_IS_ZERO is TRUE if an R8VEC contains only zero entries. X: 0 1 0 X contains at least one nonzero entry. X: 0 0 0 X contains only zero entries. X: -3 -99 -87.3 X contains at least one nonzero entry. R8VEC_IS_ZERO_TEST Normal end of execution. R8VEC_PRINT_TEST Python version: 3.6.5 R8VEC_PRINT prints an R8VEC. Here is an R8VEC: 0: 123.456 1: 5e-06 2: -1e+06 3: 3.14159 R8VEC_PRINT_TEST: Normal end of execution. R8VEC_TRANSPOSE_PRINT_TEST Python version: 3.6.5 R8VEC_TRANSPOSE_PRINT prints an R8VEC "tranposed", that is, placing multiple entries on a line. The vector X: 0.218418 0.956318 0.829509 0.561695 0.415307 0.0661187 0.257578 0.109957 0.043829 0.633966 0.0617272 0.449539 R8VEC_TRANSPOSE_PRINT_TEST Normal end of execution. R8VEC_UNIFORM_01_TEST Python version: 3.6.5 R8VEC_UNIFORM_01 computes a random R8VEC. Initial seed is 123456789 Random R8VEC: 0: 0.218418 1: 0.956318 2: 0.829509 3: 0.561695 4: 0.415307 5: 0.0661187 6: 0.257578 7: 0.109957 8: 0.043829 9: 0.633966 R8VEC_UNIFORM_01_TEST: Normal end of execution. ASA241_TEST: Normal end of execution. Wed Sep 12 14:16:04 2018